Quantum Spintronics: Spin Transport Through Quantum Magnetic Materials
Bauer, Gerrit: Spin Caloritronics with Yttrium Iron Garnet |
Brataas, Arne: Spin Superfluidity and Long-Range Transport in Thin-Film Ferromagnets |
Braun, Hans-Benjamin: Quantum Aspects of Topological Magnets – Theory and Neutron Scattering Results |
Cahill, David G.: Picosecond Spin Caloritronics |
Cornelissen, Ludo J. : Exchange Magnon Spin Transport in the Magnetic Insulator Yttrium Garnet |
Flebus, Benedetta: Two-Fluid Theory for Spin Superfluidity in Magnetic Insulators |
Gönnenwein, Sebastian: Tutorial: Non-local Magnon Transport in YIG/Pt Nanostructures |
Heidrich-Meisner, Fabian: Spin Transport in Low-Dimensional Quantum Magnets |
Hillebrands, Burkard: Tutorial: Magnon Supercurrents in a Room Temperature Magnon Condensate |
Kopietz, Peter: Rayleigh-Jeans Condensation of Pumped Magnons in Thin Film Ferromagnets |
Krivorotov, Ilya: Condensation of Magnons Driven by Thermal Gradients |
Loss, Daniel: Spin Currents and Transport Coefficients in Insulating Magnets |
MacDonald, Allan: Tutorial: Topological Spintronics |
Ono, Teruo: Current-induced Asymmetric Magnetoresistance via Spin Flip Scattering |
Rüegg, Christian: Quantum Magnets as Switches for Quantum Spintronics |
Saitoh, Eiji: Spin Current Generators |
Schuricht, Dirk: Non-Equilibrium Transport Properties of Spin-Dependent Nanostructures |
Serga, Alexander: Bottleneck Accumulation of Hybrid Bosons in a Ferrimagnet |
Starykh, Oleg: Tutorial: A panoply of Orders Near Quantum Lifshitz Point of a Frustrated Ferromagnet |
Takei, So: Spin Superfluidity in the ν=0 Quantum Hall State of Graphene |
Tserkovnyak, Yaroslav: Tutorial: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Spin Superfluids: Domain Walls, Phase Slips, and Skyrmions |
Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang: Reading out Spin States of Single Molecules: Application to Grover’s Algorithm |
Yacoby, Amir: Imaging Magnetic Textures and Spin Excitations Using NV Centers in Diamond |
Below you can find the posters that were presented at this workshop available for downloading as PDF files.
Evers, Martin: Momentum Space Signatures of Anderson Localization of Spin Waves |
Gergs, Niklas: Heat Transports and Spin Torques in Strongly Correlated Spin Valves |
Kamra, Akashdeep: Probing non-integral spin of squeezed magnons via noise |
Knothe, Angelika: Quantum Hall Spin and Isospin Phases of the zero Energy States in Bilayer Graphene |
Kuschel, Timo: Magnetoresistance and anomalous Hall effect in Pt/NiFe2O4 and Ta/NiFe2O4 bilayers |
Ludwig, Tim: Strong non-equilibrium effects in spin-torque systems |
Nakata, Kouki: Magnon Transport Theory: Josephson Effect, Wiedemann - Franz Law, and Persistent Quantized Magnon - BEC Currents |
Noboyuki, Okuma: Theoretical Study of Electron-Magnon Coupling in Topological Insulator/Ferromagnet Heterostructure |
Pietsch, Torsten: Microwave–induced spin-population inversion in hybrid magnetic point contacts |
Samathrakis, Ilias: Magnon Hall Effect in FM/AFM Skyrmions |
Streib, Simon: Magnetomechanical coupling and ferromagnetic resonance in magnetic nanoparticles |
Upadhyaya, Pramey: Theory of magnon pumping-induced manipulation of electron spins in diamond |
Zheng, Jiansen: Exchange Magnon Transport in NM|FM|NM Hybrid Structure |