Quantum Spintronics: Spin Transport Through Quantum Magnetic Materials

September 21st - 23rd 2016

The field of magnon spintronics and the field of quantum magnetism have seen tremendous progress in recent years with many break-throughs in new concepts, new techniques, and new materials. Magnon spintronics has demonstrated electrical and thermal control over spin currents through magnetic insulators in contact with normal metals. Almost all this progress has been limited to a single material magnetic insultator YIG, hence limiting the outlook of the field. In Quantum Magnetism recent developments in scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) now permit probing and fabricating spin chains and many other artificial spin systems, providing a new ground to explore quantum magnetism phenomena, as well as a much larger spectrum of quantum magnetic materials to explore.

This workshop brings together these two communities, magnon spintronics and quantum magnetism, to explore new directions that exploit each others strengths. The goals of the workshop are:

1. For the quantum magnetism community to get up to speed on the recent developments in electrical control and detection of spin currents through magnetic insulators.
2. For the spintronics community to learn about new quantum magnetic materials that may host phases with exotic spin transport properties, such as spin superfluids and Bose glasses.
Topics include the spin Seebeck effect, spin pumping in ferromagnet/normal metal heterostructures, magnon Bose-Einstein condensation and spin superfluidity, spin and heat transport through magnetic insulators.


Scientific Organizers
Rembert Duine, Institute for Theoretical Physics, Netherlands
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA, US

SPICE Co-Organizer
Jairo Sinova

In Cooperation with the


Invited Speakers

Gerrit Bauer (Tohoku)
Arne Brataas (NTNU)
Hans-Benjamin Braun (Dublin)
David G. Cahill (UIUC)
Ludo J. Cornelissen (Groningen)
Benedetta Flebus (Utrecht)
Sebastian Gönnenwein (Munich)
Fabian Heidrich-Meissner (Munich)
Burkard Hillebrands (Kaiserslautern)
Peter Kopietz (Frankfurt)
Ilya Krivorotov (UC Irvine)
Daniel Loss (Basel)
Allan MacDonald (UT Austin)
Tamara Nunner (Berlin )
Teruo Ono (Kyoto)
Christian Rüegg (PSI Villigen)
Subir Sachdev (Harvard)
Eiji Saitoh  (Sendai)
Dirk Schuricht (Utrecht)
Alexander Serga (Kaiserslautern)
Oleg Starykh (Univ. of Utah)
So Takei (New York)
Wolfgang Wernsdorfer (Néel)
Amir Yacoby (Harvard)


This workshop was partially supported by :