FAQ: On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars
What are SPICE-SPIN+X Online Seminars?
The SPICE-SPIN+X on-line seminar series is aimed at a more regular dissemination of spin related physics research. Due to the lock-down of many academic institutions and cancellation of most conferences for the foreseeable future it is vital to increase the effort to remain in touch with the research in the field. This initiative follows naturally from the SPICE format, where we share most talks on-line.
We will have talks once per week – typically on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. central Europe time. The talks are regular 45 minutes seminar talks followed by a few Q&A facilitated in Zoom by the host.
Who can participate and view the seminars?
The talks are open to all scientist and students. You can sign up for the announcements of the seminars via this form. In addition, most of the talks will be made available on-line after the scheduled talk.
How to be a speaker?
We welcome nominations and self-nominations. Please send an email with your proposal spice@uni-mainz.de including references and a brief justification.
Are there other online seminars on spintronics?
The on-line SPICE-SPIN+X seminars are complementary to the Online Spintronics Seminars based on the USA. These seminars are offered on Tuesdays and Fridays at a time/schedule more convenient to the USA time zone (typically 16:00 Easter USA time).