
09.05.2023 – Altermagnetism: Emerging Opportunities in a New Magnetic Phase

Altermagnetism: Emerging Opportunities in a New Magnetic Phase

This workshop focuses on the emerging magnetic material class of altermagnets. This recently discovered magnetic phase is separate from the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases that we are used to. The new altermagnetic class shows compensated magnetic ordering and alternating spin-polarization in both the direct and momentum space, with a d-wave (or higher even-parity wave) symmetry. Altermagnets span a large range of materials from insulators to superconductors, and exhibit properties characteristic of ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and other unique properties that neither of the two previously known classes have.

The novel properties of altermagnets have links to many fields of research, such as spintronics, ultra-fast photo-magnetism, neuromorphics, multiferroics, magnonics, topological matter, or superconductivity. The workshop brings together junior and senior scientists from diverse research fields to explore this fascinating newly discovered magnetic phase.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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12.09.2022 – Elasto-Q-Mat Summer School 2022: Interplay of multiple degrees of freedom – Charge, Spin and lattice

The exotic phases arising from the complex interplay between the electron and the elementary excitation such as phonons, magnons, etc. is one of the prominent aspects of condensed matter physics. The complex interplay often results in different competing ground states with different microscopic properties and different low energy excitations. Disrupting the system by external stimuli such as changing temperature, applying pressure, or doping with different chemical elements, one can manipulate through different phases and try to understand the microscopic multiple degrees of freedom in correlated many body systems. In addition, complex systems offer a great deal of real world applications, however, sufficient understanding and knowledge of many body interactions is first necessary on a fundamental level.
In this regard, the Elasto-Q-Mat Summer School “Interplay of multiple degrees of freedom – charge, spin and lattice” is intended to bring the state of the art expertise in the field of condensed matter physics to educate our PhD student within the SFB Transregio 288 project. Thus, our students have the opportunity to become familiar with the current research both in terms of theoretical and experimental perspective in the diverse field of many body systems.

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19.07.2022 – Orbitronics: from Topological Matter to next Level Electronics

Orbitronics: from Topological Matter to next Level Electronics

This workshop aims to boost the new field of orbitronics – a next generation device technology which utilizes the orbital current as an information carrier. The orbital current is expected to be crucial in understanding physical properties of topological matters and to interact with various orders and quasi-particle excitations in nontrivial ways, which may shed lights on unresolved puzzles in correlated matters and lead to discoveries of exotic quantum phenomena. The workshop highlights the emerging concept of the orbital current from the perspective of topology and strong correlation, which are two major pillars of contemporary condensed matter physics, and seek for a novel route to achieving orbitronic devices with different materials such as van der Waals 2D materials, topological matters, oxides, surfaces and interfaces. This would not only have significant impact on next-generation of spin-torque-based memories and devices but also open a new venue for spintronics and valleytronics. The envisioned impact of the workshop is to review status-of-the-art and to discuss challenges and future directions of orbitronics by gathering both young and renowned researchers from condensed matter physics, material science, and nanotechnology.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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06.06.2022 – Young Research Leaders Group Workshop: Spins, Orbits, Charges, and Heat in Magnets

Spins, Orbits, Charges, and Heat in Magnets

This SPICE Young Research Leaders Group Workshop serves as a melting pot of researchers to discuss recent developments in our understanding of the interplay between magnetism and spin, charge, orbital, and heat transport. What once began with spin-polarized electric currents in ferromagnets and the giant magnetoresistance, today is an internationally overarching research field known as spintronics. The last two decades, in particular, saw the consolidation of spintronics into modern solid state research. This was possible in large parts thanks to the experimental confirmation of the spin Hall effect and its inverse counterpart that enables electrical detection of pure spin currents. By now, it is known that the electronic spin not only couples to magnetic but also electric fields and heat gradients, adding interconversion phenomena between spin, charge, orbital degrees of freedom and heat to the spintronic inventory, examples being the spin Seebeck, spin Nernst, Edelstein, and orbital Hall effects. Being inspired by both the uncovering of fundamental physics as well as the vision that spin will serve as an information carrier, the spintronics community studied a broad range of material classes, including normal, topological, and magnetic metals as well as topological and magnetic insulators. Magnets, in particular, proved to contain a wealth of surprises, exemplified by topological magnons, topological Hall effects in skyrmion crystals, anomalous Hall effects and spin splitting in antiferromagnets, and the magnetic spin Hall effect. These findings constitute the chalk with which to draw the outlines of next-generation technologies, such as antiferromagnetic and topological spintronics, (topological) magnonics, obitronics, etc.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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21.06.2022 – Non-Equilibrium Emergence in Quantum Design

Non-Equilibrium Emergence in Quantum Design

Design of quantum many body states which elude conventional thermodynamics, has nowadays become a reality in a number of experimental platforms operating in the far-from-equilibrium regime. This workshop merges experts from three different topical areas exploring non-equilibrium control and engineering, ranging from the microscopic to the macroscopic.
At SPICE we will gather scholars working on fundaments of many-body quantum correlations and frontiers of quantum simulation in closed and open systems, encompassing applications to quantum technologies.
The goal of the conference is foster dialogue at the interface of these different research sectors, focusing on three keynote themes: (1) present and future of quantum many body simulators and their expected impact in the NISQ (noisy intermediate-scale quantum) era; (2) state of art of quantum thermalization and scrambling from the standpoint of statistical mechanics, and its role in the development of a novel generation of quantum devices; (3) survival and control of quantum many-body correlations in strongly driven-open settings.
The structure of the workshop revolves around alternating sessions on these thematic areas, offering a kaleidoscope of three workshops entangled into one. Our invited speakers are equally selected between fundamental and application-oriented areas. We encourage young scientists from all over the world to join us, and we look forward engaging them at our dedicated poster sessions.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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24.05.2022 – New Spin on Molecular Quantum Materials

New Spin on Molecular Quantum Materials

Stabilizing fragile quantum states necessitates understanding and control of multiple material variables. Molecular quantum materials provide a test field for models and theory due to their high chemical variability, large compressibility and the possibility of systematic disorder tuning. This workshop fosters the interaction between theory and experiment, particularly addressing scientists previously not engaged in organic materials.
The recent years saw considerable advancements, but also a dichotomy between experiment and theory. For instance, the nature of quantum-spin-liquid and charge-dipole-liquid states in κ-phase BEDT-TTF salts remains controversial. On the other hand, anomalous transport in bad and strange metals near electronic instabilities awaits a solid theoretical description.
Those phenomena rely on a suppression of effective energy scales via frustration or competing orders, making molecular quantum materials susceptible to many sub-dominant factors such as magneto-elastic coupling, disorder and spin-orbit effects. To that end, the workshop will stimulate exchange among different fields, especially focusing on spin vs charge degrees of freedom, insulators vs metals, transport vs thermodynamic methods and non-equilibrium vs equilibrium probes.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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09.05.2022 – Ultrafast Antiferromagnetic Writing

Ultrafast Antiferromagnetic Writing

While recent developments in photonics enable nearly lossless data transfer with speeds exceeding 1 Tb/s, current magnetic data storage cannot keep up with these data-flow rates nor decrease energy dissipations. Consequently, already now data centres are becoming the biggest consumers of electricity world-wide. Antiferromagnets represent a highly-promising playground for the quest for the fastest and the least-dissipative mechanism of data storage. However, in thermodynamic equilibrium, the energy of interaction of a magnetic field with the antiferromagnetic Néel vector is zero. Despite the 60-year long search for thermodynamic conjugates to the antiferromagnetic order parameter, efficient means to control antiferromagnetism are still being pursued. It is the main reason that hampers applications of antiferromagnets and further development of antiferromagnetic spintronics, magnonics and data storage, in particular.
Although many experimental and theoretical studies make us believe that ultrafast writing of bits in antiferromagnets at THz rates must be possible, such an ultrafast writing has never been demonstrated in antiferromagnetic media and the highest frequency of rewriting of magnetic bits (100 GHz) belongs to ferrimagnets. The landmark of 1 THz remains to be a monumental challenge.
The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts in ultrafast switching of antiferromagnetism, review the state-of-the-art, discuss the present challenges, define short- as well as long-term goals in the field with the ultimate goal to initiate a breakthrough towards the fastest ever and least dissipative writing of magnetic bits.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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13.09.2021 – Summer School: Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Many Body Systems

Understanding the complex phases of matter which are intertwined with each other has always been on the forefront of research in condensed matter physics. However, the immensely complex nature of interacting many body systems requires specialized understanding both theoretically and experimentally, which break down the many body interactions into more tangible parts to describe the rich abundance of phenomena we observe in nature. Prominent examples include - spin density wave, charge density wave, unconventional superconductivity, topological insulators, just to name a few.
Within this summer school we aim to educate our young PhD students on a broad range of emergent phenomena within this field. Since most come from diverse backgrounds, not only having different levels of experiences with theory or state of the art experiments, but also different topics of expertise within the field of condensed matter itself, we aim to broaden their knowledge and extend their horizon with this 4 days online summer school.
Hence, the lectures given by experts in their respective fields of condensed matter, will introduce some important scientific questions and challenges of their fields, reaching both theoretical and experimental aspects of research.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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03.05.2021 – Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter

Driven-dissipative quantum many body systems constitute a cross- disciplinary frontier of research encompassing condensed matter, AMO and solid state physics. Many-particle systems where quantum coherent dynamics and dissipative effects occur on the same footing, find experimental realization in cavity QED, driven open Rydberg systems, trapped ions, exciton-polariton condensates, coupled micro- cavity arrays — among the others.
These platforms offer the unique opportunity to explore extensive phases of matter which cannot be encompassed through conventional statistical mechanics. At the same time they pose a number of fundamental and technical challenges. The ubiquitous intrusive effect of dissipation in experiments, confronts researchers to optimize and enhance the role of quantum fluctuations in strongly noisy and decoherent environments. At the same time, an efficient simulation of open many-particle systems require a formidable combination of techniques and expertise ranging from advanced field theoretical methods to forefront numerical techniques, from machine learning to non-unitary versions of techniques from the field of strongly correlated systems.
These 3-days workshop will bring together a number of experts from a diverse and interdisciplinary set of fields, including condensed matter physics, cold atoms, quantum engineering, quantum optics, atomic and solid state physics, with a broad selection of experimentalists from currently active fields. Ample space will be devoted to the participation of emergent and promising young scholars with dedicated flash talks in a 'March Meeting' format. Furthermore, the workshop hosted two topical sessions to foster dialogue among researchers belonging to different sub-communities.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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04.11.2020 – Online Young Research Leaders Group Workshop: Spin, Charge, and Heat Transport: From Symmetries to Emergent Functionalities

What once began with spin-polarized electric currents in ferromagnets and the giant magnetoresistance, today is an internationally overarching research field known as spintronics. The last two decades, in particular, saw the consolidation of spintronics into modern solid state research. This was possible in large parts thanks to the experimental confirmation of the spin Hall effect and its inverse counterpart that enables electrical detection of pure spin currents. By now, it is known that the electronic spin not only couples to magnetic but also electric fields as well as heat gradients, adding interconversion phenomena between spin, charge, and heat to the spintronic inventory, examples being the spin Seebeck, spin Nernst, and Edelstein effects. Being inspired by both the uncovering of fundamental physics as well as the vision that spin will serve as an information carrier, the spintronics community studied a broad range of material classes, including normal, topological, and magnetic metals as well as topological and magnetic insulators. Magnets, in particular, proved to contain a wealth of surprises, exemplified by topological magnons, topological (spin) Hall effects in skyrmion crystals, anomalous Hall effects in antiferromagnets, or the magnetic spin Hall effect.

This SPICE Young Research Leaders Group Workshop serves as a melting pot of ideas on how to tackle the major spintronic challenges of this decade. The program of this workshop is built around the following major questions:
(1) Relying on symmetry arguments, which transport phenomena do we expect?
(2) How does the topological nontriviality of the electronic or magnonic band structure influences spin, charge, and heat transport?
(3) Which materials show particularly large transport and why? (Can we engineer spin transport?)
(4) How do we perform clear-cut experiments to disentangle a particular (spin) transport phenomenon from others?
(5) How do we use the arsenal of spintronics as means to explore and characterize complex materials?

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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