14.05.2024 – Hybrid Correlated States and Dynamics in Quantum Materials

Hybrid Correlated States and Dynamics in Quantum Materials

Correlated states of electrons give rise to quantum matter, such as ordered magnets, spin liquids, superconductors, and topological materials. In lower dimensions, correlations assume a still pronounced importance. The exciting phenomena hosted and technological applications promised by these states of matter have further inspired the scientific community to engineer hybrids where different ingredients for correlations are provided by separate materials coupled together. Thus, such low-dimensional hybrid nanostructures have enabled engineering novel states of matter with intriguing physics, often not admitted by any single platform.

The workshop shall bring together experts and young researchers from three different communities: (i) Magnetism and Spintronics, (ii) Superconductivity and Strongly Correlated Electrons, and (iii) Low-dimensional nanostructures. The purview includes coherent and incoherent magnetization dynamics in conjunction with the various spintronics effects that allow its manipulation and detection. A key topic will be the recently discovered nonreciprocal effects in magnets e.g., chiral magnons, as well as superconductors, e.g., the superconducting diode effect.

Recent discoveries regarding two-dimensional materials, multi-orbital superconductivity, Ising superconductors, topological superconductivity and quantum sensors coupled to magnets will also be central to the workshop portfolio. Employing fluctuations of currents (e.g, flow of spin or vortices) to probe the quantum nature of transport will form an exciting topic of discussion across communities. Finally, the case of spin fluctuations mediated superconductivity, that is believed to underlie a wide range of unconventional superconductors can best be discussed with the three communities present at the workshop.

For videos of the talks and further information, pleaseĀ visit the workshop home page.

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