Quantum Spinoptics
Workshop, June 13th - 15th 2023
The conference aims at the interdisciplinary experiment of bringing together experts from solid state and quantum optics, in order to foster dialogue at the interface of the two communities. The goal is to plant the seed of a novel hybrid research area, where solid state systems are treated on the same footing as AMO driven-dissipative platforms, and, viceversa, where quantum optics can be reshaped by using concepts from spintronics, magnetism and the physics of correlated materials.We invite and encourage the contribution of selected speakers advancing the frontiers of any of the following fields:(i) dynamical phase transitions in driven-dissipative atomic or spin ensembles, ranging from traditional AMO platforms to spintronics and solid state devices;
(ii) quantum optics-inspired pumping schemes applied to condensed matter models;
(iii) correlated emission and dissipative engineering to build entangled states, and shape novel sub- and superradiant phenomena;
(iv) noise sensing and engineering in light-matter interfaces and NV/color centers.Young scholars are encouraged to attend and/or contribute in a dedicated poster session.
This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.
Darrick Chang, Barcelona ICFO
Benedetta Flebus, Boston College
Jamir Marino, JGU
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
Invited Speakers
Yaroslav Blanter, TU Delft Antoine Browaeys, Paris-Saclay University Dima Budker, JGU Oxana Chelpanova, JGU Nathalie de Leon, Princeton Eugene Demler, ETH Zurich Tobias Donner, ETH Zurich Martin Eckstein, MPSD Greg Fuchs, Cornell Claudiu Genes, MPL Carlos Gonzalez-Ballestrero, Univ. of Innsbruck |
Fernando Iemini, JGU Mainz/Univ. Federal Fluminense Junichiro Kono, Rice University Peter Lodahl, Niels Bohr Institute Johannes Majer, USTC Patrick Maletinksy, Univ. of Basel Mohammad Mirhosseini, Caltech Peter Rabl, TU Wien Achim Rosch, Univ. of Cologne Vahid Sandoghdar, MLP Toeno van der Sar, TU Delft Joachim von Zanthier, Univ. of Erlangen |