
Preliminary Program - Summer School: Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Many Body Systems

Monday, September 13th

09:00 - 09:15 Introduction
09:15 – 10:00 Catherine PÉPIN, CEA Paris-Saclay
The phase diagram of cuprate superconductors
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:15 Catherine PÉPIN, CEA Paris-Saclay
The phase diagram of cuprate superconductors
11:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Martin AESCHLIMANN, TUK
Probing ultrafast Spin and Electron Dynamics in Momentum Space and Time
14:00 - 14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 – 15:00 Martin AESCHLIMANN, TUK
Probing ultrafast Spin and Electron Dynamics in Momentum Space and Time
15:00 - 15:30 Open Session
15:30 - 16:30 Kristin KLIEMT, Goethe University & Julian REUSCH, Goethe University 
Equal Opportunities
17:30+ Open discussions

Tuesday, September 14th

09:15 – 10:00 Martin ECKSTEIN, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dynamics and control of complex quantum systems out of equilibrium
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:15 Martin ECKSTEIN, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Dynamics and control of complex quantum systems out of equilibrium
11:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Aleksei KIMEL, Radboud University
Ultrafast magnetism of antiferromagnets
14:00 - 14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 – 15:00 Aleksei KIMEL, Radboud University
Ultrafast magnetism of antiferromagnets
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30 Elio KÖNIG, MPI for Solid State Research
Topological Order and Quantum Materials
16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:30 Elio KÖNIG, MPI for Solid State Research
Topological Order and Quantum Materials
17:30+ Open discussions

Monday, September 20th

11:30 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Tobias KAMPFRATH, Fritz Haber Institute
Impact of phonons on ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnets and ferrimagnets
14:00 - 14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 – 15:00 Tobias KAMPFRATH, Fritz Haber Institute
Impact of phonons on ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnets and ferrimagnets
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30 Johannes REUTHER, FU Berlin
Introduction to quantum spin liquids - Theoretical concepts, numerical result and experimental signatures
16:30 - 16:45 Coffee Break
16:45 – 17:30 Johannes REUTHER, FU Berlin
Introduction to quantum spin liquids - Theoretical concepts, numerical result and experimental signatures
17:30+ Open discussions

Tuesday, September 21st

09:15 – 10:00 Sebastian HUBER, ETH Zurich
Flat band superconductivity
10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break
10:15 – 11:15 Sebastian HUBER, ETH Zurich
Flat band superconductivity
11:15 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 – 14:00 Philip MOLL, EPFL
Controlling Correlations and Topology on the mesoscale: A focused Ion Beam approach
14:00 - 14:15 Coffee Break
14:15 – 15:00 Philip MOLL, EPFL
Controlling Correlations and Topology on the mesoscale: A focused Ion Beam approach
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee Break
15:30 – 16:30 Jairo SINOVA, JGU Mainz
“But Nobody told me this” - Career and science advice
16:30 - 16:45 Closing Remarks
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Summer School: Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Many Body Systems

Workshop, September 13th - 14th and 20th - 21st 2021

Understanding the complex phases of matter which are intertwined with each other has always been on the forefront of research in condensed matter physics. However, the immensely complex nature of interacting many body systems requires specialized understanding both theoretically and experimentally, which break down the many body interactions into more tangible parts to describe the rich abundance of phenomena we observe in nature. Prominent examples include - spin density wave, charge density wave, unconventional superconductivity, topological insulators, just to name a few.
Within this summer school we aim to educate our young PhD students on a broad range of emergent phenomena within this field. Since most come from diverse backgrounds, not only having different levels of experiences with theory or state of the art experiments, but also different topics of expertise within the field of condensed matter itself, we aim to broaden their knowledge and extend their horizon with this 4 days online summer school.
Hence, the lectures given by experts in their respective fields of condensed matter, will introduce some important scientific questions and challenges of their fields, reaching both theoretical and experimental aspects of research.
Lastly, this summer school is organized as part of the SFB Transregio 288 Elasto-Q-Mat that is funded through the German Research Foundation (DFG). By organizing yearly summer schools, the Elasto-Q-Mat aims at providing the scientific foundation needed for young students to advance in their field and become future leading scientists.


Max Hansen, University of Frankfurt
Amrit Raj Pokharel, JGU
Veronika Stangier, KIT Karlsruhe

Invited Speakers

Martin Aeschlimann, TUK
Martin Eckstein, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Sebastian Huber, ETH Zurich
Tobias Kampfrath, Fritz Haber Institute
Aleksei Kimel, Radboud University
Elio König, MPI Stuttgart
Philip Moll, EPFL
Catherine Pépin, CEA Paris-Saclay
Johannes Reuther, FU Berlin
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Dissipative Phases of Entangled Quantum Matter

Workshop, May 3rd - 5th 2021

Driven-dissipative quantum many body systems constitute a cross- disciplinary frontier of research encompassing condensed matter, AMO and solid state physics. Many-particle systems where quantum coherent dynamics and dissipative effects occur on the same footing, find experimental realization in cavity QED, driven open Rydberg systems, trapped ions, exciton-polariton condensates, coupled micro- cavity arrays — among the others.
These platforms offer the unique opportunity to explore extensive phases of matter which cannot be encompassed through conventional statistical mechanics. At the same time they pose a number of fundamental and technical challenges. The ubiquitous intrusive effect of dissipation in experiments, confronts researchers to optimize and enhance the role of quantum fluctuations in strongly noisy and decoherent environments. At the same time, an efficient simulation of open many-particle systems require a formidable combination of techniques and expertise ranging from advanced field theoretical methods to forefront numerical techniques, from machine learning to non-unitary versions of techniques from the field of strongly correlated systems.
These 3-days workshop will bring together a number of experts from a diverse and interdisciplinary set of fields, including condensed matter physics, cold atoms, quantum engineering, quantum optics, atomic and solid state physics, with a broad selection of experimentalists from currently active fields. Ample space will be devoted to the participation of emergent and promising young scholars with dedicated flash talks in a 'March Meeting' format. Furthermore, the workshop will host two topical sessions to foster dialogue among researchers belonging to different sub-communities.


Jamir Marino, Mainz
Joel Moore, Berkeley
Gil Refael, Caltech
Ferdinand Schmidt-Kaler, Mainz

Invited Speakers

Ehud Altman, Berkeley
Berislav Buca, Oxford
Giuseppe Carleo, EPFL
Iacopo Carusotto, INO-CNR BEC
Aashish Clerk, Chicago
Ramasubramanian Chitra, ETH Zürich
Eugene Demler, Harvard
Sebastian Diehl, Köln
Tobias Donner, ETH Zürich
Martin Eckstein, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Rosario Fazio, ICTP
Michael Fleischhauer, University Kaiserslautern
Steve Girvin, Yale University
Alexey Gorshkov, University of Maryland
Jonathan Keeling, University of St. Andrews
Alicia Kollár, University of Maryland
Zala Lenarčič, Jozef Stefan Institute
Ben Lev, Stanford University
Mikhail Lukin, Harvard
Katarzyna Macieszczak, Cambridge
Giovanna Morigi, Saarland University
Prineha Narang, Harvard
Francesco Piazza, MPIPKS
Ulrich Poschinger, Mainz
Achim Rosch, Köln
Kushal Seetharam, MIT
Walter Strunz, TU Dresden
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
Silvia Viola Kusminskiy, MPI Erlangen
David Weld, UC Santa Barbara
Artur Widera, TU Kaiserslautern
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Topological Superconductivity in Quantum Materials

Aguado, Ramon Microwave spectroscopy of hybrid superconductor- semiconductor qubits with Majorana zero modes icon-document-black icon-video-red
Asano, Yasuhiro Josephson Effect of two-band/orbital superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-red
Cuoco, Mario Topological phases combining superconductivity and magnetism icon-document-black icon-video-red
Cybart, Shane Helium Ion Beam Modification of High Transition Temperature Superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-red
Efetov, Dmitri Angle Bilayer Graphene – Superconductors, Orbital Magnets, Correlated States and beyond icon-document-black icon-video-red
Franke, Katharina Tuning the exchange and potential scattering strength of individual magnetic adsorbates on superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-red
Gentile, Paola Geometrically driven effects in curved superconducting nanostructures icon-document-black icon-video-red
Golubov, Aleksander A. Resonant p-wave oscillations of Josephson current in Nb-Bi2Te2.3Se0.7-Nb topological junctions icon-document-black icon-video-red
Herrera, Edwin One-dimensional moiré charge density wave in the hidden order state of URu2Si2 induced by fracture icon-document-black icon-video-red
Hicks, Clifford Evaluation of chiral superconductivity in Sr2RuO4 icon-document-black icon-video-red
Ikegaya, Satoshi Fingerprints of Majorana modes beyond the zero-bias conductance peak icon-document-red icon-video-red
Kim, Eun-Ah Two-dimensional Topological Superconductivity icon-document-black icon-video-red
Klinovaja, Jelena Second Order Topological Superconductivity: Majorana and parafermion corner states icon-document-black icon-video-red
Komori, Sachio Magnetic exchange through s- and d-wave superconductors icon-document-red icon-video-red
Lau, Jeanie Flat Bands in Flatlands icon-document-black icon-video-red
Liljeroth, Peter Topological superconductivity in a van der Waals heterostructure icon-document-red icon-video-black
Millo, Oded Unconventional superconductivity and magnetic-related states induced in a conventional superconductor by nonmagnetic chiral molecules icon-document-black icon-video-red
Moodera, Jagadeesh Topological superconductivity in gold leads to Majorana Zero Mode Pair icon-document-black icon-video-red
Naaman, Ron Chiral Molecules as Topological Devices- The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect icon-document-black icon-video-red
Santamaria, Jacobo Long range unconventional Josephson effect across a half metallic ferromagnet icon-document-black icon-video-black
Schoenenberger, Christian One-dimensional states residing on edges and steps in few-layer WTe2 icon-document-red icon-video-red
Shibauchi, Takasada Possible transition to a topological ultranodal pair state in FeSe1-xSx superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-black
Sigrist, Manfred Domain walls and critical currents in chiral superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-red
Stern, Adiel The Josephson effect as a tool for creating topological superconductivity icon-document-black icon-video-red
Tanaka, Yukio Odd-frequency pairing in topological superconductors icon-document-black icon-video-red
Villegas, Javier Propagation and interference of d-wave superconducting pairs in graphene icon-document-black icon-video-black
Vinokur, Valerii Topological Nature of High Temperature Superconductivity icon-document-black icon-video-red
Yang, Bohm Jung Topological superconductivity of centrosymmetric magnetic metals icon-document-black icon-video-red
Yonezawa, Shingo Domain control in the topological nematic superconductor SrxBi2Se3 icon-document-black icon-video-red
Zeldov, Eli Mapping the twist-angle disorder and unconventional Landau levels in magic angle graphene icon-document-red icon-video-red
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New Spin on Molecular Quantum Materials

Workshop, May 24th - 26th 2022

Stabilizing fragile quantum states necessitates understanding and control of multiple material variables. Molecular quantum materials provide a test field for models and theory due to their high chemical variability, large compressibility and the possibility of systematic disorder tuning. This workshop fosters the interaction between theory and experiment, particularly addressing scientists previously not engaged in organic materials.
The recent years saw considerable advancements, but also a dichotomy between experiment and theory. For instance, the nature of quantum-spin-liquid and charge-dipole-liquid states in κ-phase BEDT-TTF salts remains controversial. On the other hand, anomalous transport in bad and strange metals near electronic instabilities awaits a solid theoretical description.
Those phenomena rely on a suppression of effective energy scales via frustration or competing orders, making molecular quantum materials susceptible to many sub-dominant factors such as magneto-elastic coupling, disorder and spin-orbit effects. To that end, the workshop will stimulate exchange among different fields, especially focusing on spin vs charge degrees of freedom, insulators vs metals, transport vs thermodynamic methods and non-equilibrium vs equilibrium probes.

This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.



Martin Dressel, Stuttgart University
Andrej Pustogow, TU Wien
Roser Valentí, Goethe-University
Steve Winter, Goethe-University/Wake Forest University

Invited Speakers

Gabriel Aeppli, Paul Scherrer Institut
Kamran Behnia,  ESPCI Paris
Hans Peter Büchler, University of Stuttgart
Andrea Cavalleri, MPSD Hamburg
Natalia Drichko, Johns Hopkins University
Simone Fratini, Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble
Elena Gati, MPI CPfS Dresden
Antoine Georges, Collège de France & CCQ-Flatiron Institute, Paris
Thierry Giamarchi, University of Geneva
Kenichiro Hashimoto, University of Tokyo
Stefan Kaiser, TU Dresden
Kazushi Kanoda, University of Tokyo
Michael Lang, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Jaime Merino, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Louk Rademaker, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Jörg Schmalian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Hidenori Takagi, MPI Solid State Research, Stuttgart
Tatjana Thomas, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Masahiko G. Yamada, Osaka University
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2D van der Waals Spin Systems

Avsar, Ahmet Defect-induced magnetism in a 2D noble metal dichalcogenide icon-document-black icon-video-red
Batzill, Matthias A perspective on the synthesis and modifications of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides by vacuum methods icon-document-red icon-video-red
Bedoya-Pinto, Amilcar Intrinsic 2D-XY ferromagnetism in a van der Waals monolayer icon-document-black icon-video-black
Burch, Kenneth New Opportunities for Charge and Spin in the 2D Magnet RuCl3 icon-document-red icon-video-red
Cheong, Hyeonsik Optical spectroscopy of 2-dimensional antiferromagnetic materials icon-document-red icon-video-red
Garciá, José Hugo Exotic Spin transport in two-dimensional topological materials icon-document-red icon-video-red
Gong, Cheng 2D Magnets, Heterostructures, and Spintronic Devices icon-document-black icon-video-black
Han, Wei Spin transport in mangetic 2D materials and heterostructures icon-document-red icon-video-black
Hee Lee, Young van der Waals layered magnetic semiconductors icon-document-red icon-video-red
Hight Walker, Angela R. Magneto-Raman Spectroscopy to Identify Spin Structure in Low-Dimensional Quantum Materials icon-document-black icon-video-red
Kaverzin, Alexey Proximity induced spin-orbit coupling and magnetism in graphene icon-document-red icon-video-red
King, Phil ARPES studies of candidate van der Waals ferromagnets icon-document-black icon-video-red
Koperski, Maciej Thin layers of CrBr3 and CrI3: reconaissance ventures into 2D magnetism icon-document-black icon-video-red
Lifshitz, Efrat Spin systems in metal phosphorous trichalcogenide 2D van der Waals materials icon-document-black icon-video-black
Nakano, Masaki Emergent properties of 2D magnets and their heterostructures explored by MBE icon-document-black icon-video-black
Rappoport, Tatiana Orbital Hall effect in 2D materials icon-document-red icon-video-red
Roedel, Tobias Inside Nature: Decisions & Editorial Process icon-document-red icon-video-red
Shi, Jing Spin current effects in 2D magnets/heavy metal bilayers icon-document-black icon-video-red
Sierra, Juan F. Graphene based van der Waals heterostructures for spintronics icon-document-black icon-video-red
Singh, Simran Spin galvanic effects and magnetization dynamics in layered vdW systems icon-document-red icon-video-red
Soriano, David New Developments on Chromium Trihalides 2D Ferromagnets icon-document-red icon-video-red
van Wees, Bart Magnon transport in 2D (anti-)ferromagnets icon-document-black icon-video-red
Verzhbitskiy, Ivan Electrostatic Control of Magnetism in Van Der Waals Ferromagnets icon-document-red icon-video-red
Wei Tsen, Adam Giant Nonlinear Anomalous Hall Effect icon-document-black icon-video-red
Wang, Jing Intrinsic magnetic topological states in MnBi2Te4 icon-document-red icon-video-red
Wang, Kang Interface induced magnetism and skyrmions in layered heterostructure materials icon-document-black icon-video-red
Woo, Seonghoon Observation of magnetic skyrmions and their current-driven dynamics in van der Waals heterostructures icon-document-red icon-video-red
Yang, Hyunsoo Spin-orbit torques based on topological spin texture and magnon icon-document-red icon-video-red
Ye, Jianting Quantum Phase Transition and Ising Superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides icon-document-black icon-video-red
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Coherent order and transport in spin-active systems: Interplay between magnetism and superconductivity

Mainz, Germany: November 17th - 19th 2020

The electron spin and its quantum nature are fundamental to the phenomena of magnetism as well as superconductivity. The exchange interaction that causes magnetic ordering is intricately related to the Fermionic antisymmetry of the electron wavefunction and thus, the Pauli exclusion principle. Conventional superconductors are devoid of a spin supercurrent due to the singlet nature of the Cooper pairs that constitute the superconducting fluid. Despite the common denominators, the two phenomena have traditionally been considered mutually exclusive and are investigated by different communities.

Recently, coherent order and spin transport in magnetically ordered insulators has been demonstrated. This phenomenon of spinsuperfluidity is similar to superconductivity in several aspects. The development of devices based on superfluidity may, hence, profit from the profound knowledge of superconductivity. At the same time, magnet/superconductor hybrids hosting spinfull Cooper pairs have been engineered. This has opened prospects for superconducting spintronic devices as well as for the realization of unconventional superconducting states. Finally, the electron-electron attraction in many of the unconventional superconductors with exotic condensates is believed to be mediated by spin fluctuations. Therefore, these three seemingly disjoint fields are intricately relying on knowledge from each other and can best be tackled with an overview picture of all three. Providing this overview and a common discussion platform is a main goal of this workshop.

The workshop shall bring together experts and young researchers from three different communities: (i) Magnetism and spintronics, (ii) Mesoscopic superconductivity, and (iii) Strongly correlated systems/mechanisms underlying superconductivity. The purview includes coherent and incoherent magnetization dynamics in conjunction with the various spintronic effects that allow its manipulation and detection. Specific emphasis will be laid on the phenomena of spinsuperfluidity and magnon condensates due to their fundamental similarity with the superconducting state. The systems where the magnetic order interacts with conventional superconductors forms an exquisite field in itself which will benefit greatly from the different communities. Finally, the case of spin-fluctuations-mediated superconductivity, that is believed to underlie a wide range of unconventional superconductors, can best be discussed with the three communities present at the workshop.

This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.

If you are interested in this free online workshop, please click the button below, to register before November 10th, 2020. You will be contacted shortly after to receive all the information on the workshop.


Wolfgang Belzig, University of Konstanz, Germany
Katharina Franke, Freie Universitaet Berlin, Germany
Akashdeep Kamra, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

Invited Speakers

Irina Bobkova, Institute of Solid State Physics, Moscow
Arne Brataas, NTNU
Debanjan Chowdhury, Cornell University
Chiara Ciccarelli, Cambridge University
Rembert Duine, Utrecht University
Dimitri Efetov, ICFO Barcelona
Benedetta Flebus, University of Texas at Austen
Victor Galitski, University of Maryland
Sebastian Goennenwein, TU Dresden
Tero Heikkilä, University of Jyväskylä
Burkard Hillebrands, TU Kaiserslautern
Tomosato Hioki, Tokyo University
Harold Hwang, Stanford University
Jose Lado, Aalto University
Peter Liljeroth, Aalto University
Andrew Mackenzie, MPI for Chemical Physics of Solids
Jagadeesh Moodera, MIT
Alexandra Palacio Morales, Université Paris-Sud
Elke Scheer, University of Konstanz
So Takei, City University of New York
Yaroslav Tserkovnyak, UCLA
Bart van Wees, University of Groningen
Felix von Oppen, Free University of Berlin
Ali Yazdani, Princeton University
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Online Young Research Leaders Group Workshop: Spin, Charge, and Heat Transport: From Symmetries to Emergent Functionalities

Mainz, Germany: November 3rd - 4th 2020

What once began with spin-polarized electric currents in ferromagnets and the giant magnetoresistance, today is an internationally overarching research field known as spintronics. The last two decades, in particular, saw the consolidation of spintronics into modern solid state research. This was possible in large parts thanks to the experimental confirmation of the spin Hall effect and its inverse counterpart that enables electrical detection of pure spin currents. By now, it is known that the electronic spin not only couples to magnetic but also electric fields as well as heat gradients, adding interconversion phenomena between spin, charge, and heat to the spintronic inventory, examples being the spin Seebeck, spin Nernst, and Edelstein effects. Being inspired by both the uncovering of fundamental physics as well as the vision that spin will serve as an information carrier, the spintronics community studied a broad range of material classes, including normal, topological, and magnetic metals as well as topological and magnetic insulators. Magnets, in particular, proved to contain a wealth of surprises, exemplified by topological magnons, topological (spin) Hall effects in skyrmion crystals, anomalous Hall effects in antiferromagnets, or the magnetic spin Hall effect.

This SPICE Young Research Leaders Group Workshop serves as a melting pot of ideas on how to tackle the major spintronic challenges of this decade. The program of this workshop is built around the following major questions:
(1) Relying on symmetry arguments, which transport phenomena do we expect?
(2) How does the topological nontriviality of the electronic or magnonic band structure influences spin, charge, and heat transport?
(3) Which materials show particularly large transport and why? (Can we engineer spin transport?)
(4) How do we perform clear-cut experiments to disentangle a particular (spin) transport phenomenon from others?
(5) How do we use the arsenal of spintronics as means to explore and characterize complex materials?

This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.



Alexander Mook, Universität Basel
Helena Reichlova, Technische Universität Dresden

Invited Speakers

Vivek Amin, NIST
Can Onur Avci, ETH Zürich
Amilcar Bedoya Pinto, MPI Halle
Dongwook Go, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Börge Göbel, University Halle
Sergii Grytsiuk, Forschungszentrum Jülich
Max Hirschberger, University of Tokyo
Annika Johansson, University Halle
Kouta Kondou, RIKEN CEMS
Jay Koo, University of Bielefeld
Dominik Kriegner, TU Dresden
Bo Li, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Kai Litzius, MIT
Rafael Lopez Seeger, SPINTEC, CEA Grenoble
Paul McClarty, MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems
Nina Meyer, University Greifswald
Jonathan Noky, MPI CPfS
Andrew Ross, University Mainz
Richard Schlitz, University Dresden
Yuki Shiomi, University of Tokyo
Libor Smejkal, University Mainz
James Taylor, MPI Halle
Jakub Zelezny, Czech Academy of Sciences
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2D van der Waals Spin Systems

On-line Workshop, August 4th - 7th 2020

Layered van der Waals (vdW) materials have provided new research avenues of condensed matter physics as well as applied physics since these materials at the mono-layer limit show novel electronic, optical and topologically-protected states, which do not arise in its bulk forms.

The successful realization of 2D-layered vdW ferromagnetic materials in 2017 connected the topic of 2D vdW magnets to spintronics. This has allowed us to explore novel spintronic effects, the fundamentals physics of 2D magnetism, as well as control of magnetism by external stimuli such as electric field, current and mechanical strain.

The timely workshop address key questions such as, what is spin dynamics properties at the truly one-monolayer limit?; Can we apply the same spin transport theories to materials at the 2D limit?; What novel spintronic and magnonic phenomena belongs only to the 2D-magnets and/or multi-layers with them?

This workshop bridge across different areas of modern condensed matter physics and materials science, specifically the vast research field of 2D materials and the spintronics field that exploits spin degree of freedom in non-2D systems.

This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.



Goki Eda, National University of Singapore
Hidekazu Kurebayashi, University College London
Stephan Roche, ICN2

Invited Speakers

Ahmet Avsar, EPFL
Matthias Batzill, University of South Florida
Amilcar Bedoya-Pinto, Max Planck Institute, Halle
Kenneth Burch, Boston University
Hyeonsik Cheong, Sogang University
José Hugo Garciá, ICN2
Cheng Gong, Maryland University
Wei Han, Peking University
Young Hee Lee, Sungkyunkwan University
Angela R. Hight Walker, NIST
Alexey Kaverzin, Groningen University
Phil King, University of St Andrews
Maciej Koperski, National University of Singapore
Efrat Lifshitz, Technion
Masaki Nakano, University of Tokyo
Tatiana Rappoport, UFRJ
Tobias Roedel, Nature
Jing Shi, UC Riverside
Juan Sierra, ICN2
Simran Singh, Carnegie Mellon University
David Soriano, Radboud University
Bart van Wees, University of Groningen
Ivan Verzhbitskiy, National University of Singapore
Adam Wei Tsen, University of Waterloo
Kang Wang, UCLA
Jing Wang, Fudan University
Seonghoon Woo, IBM
Hyunsoo Yang, National University of Singapore
Jianting Ye, Groningen University
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Topological Superconductivity in Quantum Materials

On-line Workshop, October 19th - 22nd 2020

Topology in quantum mechanics is applied to determine if a system is trivial or topological. A condensed matter system has a topological nature if the general wavefunction describing it is adiabatically distinct from the atomic limit. Although nontrivial topology has been known to exist in quantum Hall systems for nearly four decades, recent years have seen a massive resurgence in the interest of topological matter stemming from a series of ground-breaking discoveries. In many cases, topological quantum mechanics is achieved in systems involving superconductors with highlights including: Majorana Fermions in nanowire devices; unconventional electron pairing in layered oxides and the decoding high temperature superconductivity; superconducting thin films of strontium ruthenate; topological superconductivity in UTe2; coupling superconductivity into chiral (topological) molecules; and topological superconductivity and magnetism in twisted bilayer graphene.

The incredible progress made in materials research over the past decade and half has been central to the rapid development of unconventional superconductivity in topological quantum materials. These include the development of atomically-controlled crystals, thin films and interfaces, and the manipulation of pristine two-dimensional materials and superlattices. The widespread interest and progress in unconventional superconductivity and topology in such advanced materials continues to accelerate; however, a targeted, interdisciplinary, approach is required in order to achieve full understanding and the discovery of new science. This workshop brings together world-leading scientists from a broad range of disciplines working on overlapping themes involving correlated electrons and superconductivity in topological systems. These communities will have an opportunity to appreciate how these areas are interlinked thereby stimulating further understanding and new collaborations. The workshop is organised within the framework of the EPSRC-JSPS Core-to-Core International Network “Oxide Superspin”.

This workshop is organized by SPICE as part of the Gutenberg International Conference Center (GICC) at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). The GICC is funded through the German Research Foundation’s (DFG) university allowance in the Excellence Strategy program and aims at fostering JGU as a national and international research hub. By organizing regular conferences and workshops in fields of excellent JGU research, the GICC provides a platform to build interest networks and collaborations – to promote exchange and dialog among academics and research groups from all over the world.

If you are interested in this free online workshop, please click the button below, to register before October 9th, 2020. You will be contacted in the beginning of October to receive all the information on the workshop.




Mario Amado, University of Salamanca
Yoshiteru Maeno, Kyoto University
Yossi Paltiel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jason Robinson, Cambridge University

Invited Speakers

Ramon Aguado, ICMM-CSIC
Yasuhiro Asano, Hokkaido University
Mario Cuoco, Spin-CNR University of Salerno
Shane Cybart, University of California Riverside
Dmitri Efetov, ICFO
Katharina Franke, Freie University Berlin
Paola Gentile, Spin-CNR University of Salerno
Aleksander A. Golubov, University of Twente
Edwin Herrera, UAM, Madrid
Clifford Hicks, Max-Planck-Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
Satoshi Ikegaya, Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Eun-Ah Kim, Cornell University
Jelena Klinovaja, University of Basel
Sachio Komori, University of Cambridge
ChuNing Jeanie Lau, The Ohio State University
Peter Liljeroth, Aalto University
Oded Millo, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jagadeesh Moodera, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Ron Naaman, Weizmann Institute of Science
Jacobo Santamaria, University Complutense of Madrid
Christian Schonenberger, University of Basel
Takasada Shibauchi, The University of Tokyo
Manfred Sigrist, ETH
Adiel Stern, Weizmann Institute of Science
Yukio Tanaka, Nagoya University
Javier Villegas, CNRS-Thales
Valerii Vinokour, Argonne National Laboratory
Bohm Jung Yang, Seoul National University
Shingo Yonezawa, Kyoto University
Eli Zeldov, Weizmann Institute of Science
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