Summer School: Emergent Phenomena in Quantum Many Body Systems

Workshop, September 13th - 14th and 20th - 21st 2021

Understanding the complex phases of matter which are intertwined with each other has always been on the forefront of research in condensed matter physics. However, the immensely complex nature of interacting many body systems requires specialized understanding both theoretically and experimentally, which break down the many body interactions into more tangible parts to describe the rich abundance of phenomena we observe in nature. Prominent examples include - spin density wave, charge density wave, unconventional superconductivity, topological insulators, just to name a few.
Within this summer school we aim to educate our young PhD students on a broad range of emergent phenomena within this field. Since most come from diverse backgrounds, not only having different levels of experiences with theory or state of the art experiments, but also different topics of expertise within the field of condensed matter itself, we aim to broaden their knowledge and extend their horizon with this 4 days online summer school.
Hence, the lectures given by experts in their respective fields of condensed matter, will introduce some important scientific questions and challenges of their fields, reaching both theoretical and experimental aspects of research.
Lastly, this summer school is organized as part of the SFB Transregio 288 Elasto-Q-Mat that is funded through the German Research Foundation (DFG). By organizing yearly summer schools, the Elasto-Q-Mat aims at providing the scientific foundation needed for young students to advance in their field and become future leading scientists.


Max Hansen, University of Frankfurt
Amrit Raj Pokharel, JGU
Veronika Stangier, KIT Karlsruhe

Invited Speakers

Martin Aeschlimann, TUK
Martin Eckstein, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Sebastian Huber, ETH Zurich
Tobias Kampfrath, Fritz Haber Institute
Aleksei Kimel, Radboud University
Elio König, MPI Stuttgart
Philip Moll, EPFL
Catherine Pépin, CEA Paris-Saclay
Johannes Reuther, FU Berlin