Program - Workshop-School on Quantum Spinoptics

Tuesday, June 18th

Lecture I Chair: Jamir Marino

09:00 – 09:15 Registration
09:15 – 09:30 Opening Remarks
09:30 – 10:25 Ana ASENJO GARCIA, Columbia
Quantum optics with spins: from single-excitation to many-body physics
10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 11:55 Amir YACOBY, Harvard
Quantum Sensing of Quantum Matter
12:00 – 13:00 Lunch

Dissipative quantum dynamics Chair: Darrick Chang

13:00 – 13:25 Aashish CLERK, University of Chicago
Exact insights into driven-dissipative many-body spin systems
13:30 – 13:55 Susanne YELIN, Harvard
QED with cooperative atom arrays
14:00 – 14:30 Coffee Break
14:30 – 14:55 Aurore FINCO, L2C
Detection of DMI induced magnetic chirality from spin wave noise 
15:00 – 15:25 Jonathan KEELING, University of St. Andrews
Associative Memory and spin glasses with Confocal Cavity QED
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 – 16:25 Hossein HOSSEINABADI, JGU
Far From Equilibrium Dynamics of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics Simulators of Spin Glasses
16:30 – 16:55 Simon Balthasar JÄGER, TU Kaiserslautern
Dissipative Dicke time crystals: an atoms' point of view
18:00 Dinner at Restaurant WASEM
Edelgasse 15, 55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Wednesday, June 19th

Lecture II Chair: Jonathan Curtis

09:00 – 09:55 Ana ASENJO GARCIA, Columbia
Quantum optics with spins: from single-excitation to many-body physics
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:25 Amir YACOBY, Harvard
Quantum Sensing of Quantum Matter
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

Fluctuations in spin systems Chair: Aashish Clerk

12:30 – 12:55 Lorenza VIOLA, Dartmouth College
Topology by dissipation in systems of free bosons
13:00 – 13:30 Coffee Break
13:30 – 13:55 Rembert DUINE, Utrecht
Quantum Magnonics with Synthetic Antiferromagnets
14:00 – 14:25 Eric KLEINHERBERS, UCLA
Entangling color centers through a magnetic solid-state environment
14:30 – 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 – 15:25 Francisco MACHADO, ITAMP/Harvard
Quantum noise spectroscopy of dynamical critical phenomena
15:30 – 15:55 Andrii CHUMAK, University of Vienna
Magnon transport in YIG/GGG at millikelvin temperatures
16:00 – 16:30 Poster Flash Presentation
16:30 – 18:00 Postersession
19:00 Conference Dinner at Restaurant WASEM
Edelgasse 15, 55218 Ingelheim am Rhein

Thursday, June 20th

Lecture III Chair: Yaroslav Tserkovnyak

09:00 – 09:55 Ana ASENJO GARCIA, Columbia
Quantum optics with spins: from single-excitation to many-body physics
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 – 11:25 Amir YACOBY, Harvard
Quantum Sensing of Quantum Matter
11:30 – 12:30 Lunch

Quantum sensing Chair: Lorenza Viola

12:30 – 12:55 Eugene DEMLER, ETH Zurich
Kinetic magnetism for the Fermi Hubbard model in triangular lattices
13:00 – 13:25 Sarang GOAPALAKRISHNAN, Princeton
Transport in the XXZ spin chain 
13:30 – 14:00 Coffee Break
14:00 – 14:25 Kyung CHOI, Q-Block Computing
Many-body QED
14:30 – 14:55 Jared ROVNY, Princeton 
Detecting Two-Point Field Correlators from the Microscale to the Nanoscale
15:00 – 15:25 Jayakrishnan M. P. NAIR, Boston College
Engineering quantum cooperativity and squeezing in solid-state platforms
15:30 – 15:45 Closing Remarks