SPICE-Workshop on Bad Metal Behavior in Mott Systems
June 29-July 2 (2015), at Schloss Waldthausen, Mainz
(for full this in PDF format click here: participants list)
- Prof. Neven Barisic, Vienna University of Technology
- Mr. Marcello Civelli, LPS, Université Paris Sud
- Dr. Luca de' Medici, European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
- Prof. V. Dobrosavljevic, Florida State University and MagLab
- Prof. Martin Dressel, Universität Stuttgart
- Dr. Simone Fratini, Institut Néel - CNRS and UGA
- Prof. Marc Gabay, Universite Paris-Sud
- Prof. Nigel Hussey, High Field Magnet Laboratory, Radboud University
- Dr. Isao Inoue, AIST
- Dr. Doo Seok Jeong, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
- Darshan G. Joshi, TU Dresden
- Prof. Jinfeng Kang, Peking University
- Prof. Kazushi Kanoda, Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo
- Prof. H. Kohlstedt, CAU Kiel
- Tsung-Han Lee, Florida State University
- Ke Liu, Instituut Lorentz, Leiden University
- Dr. Jianming Lu, University of Groningen
- Patrick Marshall, University of California, Santa Barbara
- Balazs Meszena, Lorentz Institute (Leiden University)
- Prof. Eduardo Miranda, State University of Campinas
- Dr. Pierre Monceau, Institut Néel, CNRS, Grenoble (France)
- Dr. Jernej Mravlje, Jozef Stefan Institute
- Dr. Keiju Murata, Keio University
- Dr. T.Mussenbrock Ruhr, University Bochum
- Oscar Andres Najera Ocampo, LPS-Orsay, Université Paris Sud
- Dr. Jaakko Nissinen, Instituut-Lorentz for Theoretical Physics
- Dr. Takashi Oka, The University of Tokyo
- Prof. Masaki Oshikawa, The University of Tokyo
- Prof. Yuriy Pershin, University of South Carolina
- Prof. Philip Phillips, University of Illinois
- Dr. Dragana Popovic, National High Magnetic Field Lab., Florida State University
- Dr. Louk Rademaker, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UCSB
- Dr. Milos Radonjic, EKM, Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg
- Andrea Rohwer, Physikalisches Institute, Universität Stuttgart
- Prof. Marcelo Rozenberg, LPS-Orsay, Université Paris Sud
- Prof. D. D. Sarma, Indian Institute of Science
- Prof. Joerg Schmalian, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Prof. Ivan Schuller, UCSD
- Akihiko Sonoda, Osaka University
- Prof. Susanne Stemmer, UC Santa Barbara
- Prof. Tomohiro Takayama, MPI Stuttgart
- Shao Tang, The National High Magnetic Field Laboratory
- Prof. Senthil Todadri, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Mizuki Urai, University of Tokyo
- Jaksa Vucicevic, Institute of Physics Belgrade, Serbia
- Prof. H.-S. Philip Wong, Stanford University
- Masahiko Yamada, Institute for Solid State Physics
- Prof. Jianting Ye, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
- Prof. Jan Zaanen, Leiden University
- Dr. Martin Ziegler, Nanoelektronik, CAU Kiel
- Liujun Zou, Harvard University