Civelli, Marcello: Pseudogap to the extreme |
de’ Medici, Luca: A review of recent experimental evidences of orbital-selective Mott physics in Iron Superconductors |
Dobrosavljevic, Vlad: Bad Metal Behavior and Mott Quantum Criticality |
Dressel, Martin: Unconventional charge dynamics in low-dimensional organic conductors |
Fratini, Simone: Wigner-Mott transition and charge frustration in layered triangular lattices |
Gabay, Marc: Spin Polarized State in the Two-Dimensonal Electron Liquid at the Surface of SrTiO3 |
Hussey, Nigel: Universality of bad metallic transport in correlated systems |
Inoue, Isao: Enormous electrostatic carrier doping of SrTiO3: negative capacitance? |
Jeong, Doo Seok: Leaky integrate-and-fire neuron circuit realized by Pearson-Anson oscillation and its noise |
Kang, Jinfeng: Design and Optimization of TMO-ReRAM Based Synaptic Devices |
Kanoda, Kazushi: Quantum critical transport and emergence of a spin liquid near Mott and Mott-Anderson transitions |
Kohlstedt, Hermann: Quantum critical transport and emergence of a spin liquid near Mott and Mott-Anderson transitions |
Miranda, Eduardo: Disorder effects in Mott systems |
Monceau, Pierre: Charge ordering in low dimensional organic compounds |
Mravlje, Jernej: Thermopower and entropy in multi-orbital bad-metals: lessons from Sr2RuO4 |
Oka, Takashi: Many-body strong field physics: From Mott insulators to holographic QCD |
Oshikawa, Masaki: Instability in magnetic materials with dynamical axion field |
Yuriy, Pershin: Neuromorphic and Unconventional Computing with Memory Circuit Elements |
Phillips, Philip: Optical Conductivity as a Window into Mottness and Scale Invariance in the Cuprates |
Popovic, Dragana: Superconductor-insulator transitions in highly underdoped cuprates |
Rademaker, Louk: Glassy dynamics in geometrically frustrated Coulomb liquids without disorder |
Rozenberg, Marcelo: Universal dielectric breakdown and synaptic behavior in Mott insulators |
Sarma, D.D.: The curious case of NiS: Is it a metal or is it not! |
Schmalian, Jörg: Singular quasiparticles at a magnetic quantum critical point |
Schuller, Ivan: Metal-Insulator transition in simple oxides and their heterostructures |
Senthil, Todadri: Continuous Mott transitions and related phenomena |
Stemmer, Susanne: Non-Fermi Liquids and Bad Metals in NdNiO3 Thin Films |
Takayama, Tomohiro: Exotic electronic states produced by strong spin-orbit coupling in complex Ir oxides |
Ye, Justin: Field Effect Control of Quantum Phases Using Ionic Gating |
Zaanen, Jan: Holographic Duality and Condensed Matter Physics |