Young Research Leaders Group Workshop:
Collective phenomena in driven quantum systems
Mainz, Germany: July 10th - 13th 2018
The workshop will explore situations in which non-equilibrium setups can provide information about many-body systems that cannot be accessed in conventional (linear-response based) probes. Systems of particular interest are materials with strongly competing or frustrated (by disorder, relativistic corrections or geometrical constrains) interactions, or those under extreme quantum conditions (traditionally, very low temperatures and/or very high magnetic fields). These circumstances favor the formation of phases characterized by some sort of topological order, revealing highly entangled ground states and exotic, but experimentally elusive, excitations. Topology provides also the unifying framework to describe the emergence of quantum coherence at the macroscopic scale. These current efforts in solid state goes hand by hand with the design and large-scale control of new types of synthetic quantum matter in driven optical and atomic systems. With this multidisciplinary philosophy in mind, the workshop aims to bring together researchers with expertise in frustrated magnetism, mesoscopic physics (including the quantum Hall effect, Weyl/Dirac semimetals, layered semiconductors and spintronic interfaces), cold atoms, and optical cavities.
Ana Asenjo-Garcia (Caltech)
Héctor Ochoa (UCLA)
Kyoung-Whan Kim (Mainz)
Monika Aidelsburger, LMU München Monica Allen, Stanford Mitali Banerjee, Weizmann Michael Buchhold, Caltech Benedetta Flebus, UCLA Adolfo G. Grushin, Institut Néel Loïc Henriet, ICFO Michael Knap TU, München Renate Landig, Harvard |
Fahad Mahmood, Johns Hopkins David Mross, Weizmann Olga Petrova, ENS Hannah Price, Birmingham Maksym Serbyn, IST Austria Justin Song, NTU Singapore Silvia Viola-Kusminskiy, Max Planck Brian Zhou, Chicago |