Network-Meeting SPP2137 Skyrmionics
Mainz, Germany: July 11th 2017
A network meeting will be organized at the University of Mainz on 11 July 2017. The main objectives of this meeting are to provide:
• technical information on the administrational procedures of DFG,
• information on the scientific scope of the SPP and its history,
• information on the groups working in this field with the aim to promote an exchange of ideas and discussions on possible joint proposals.
For organizational reasons groups planning to attend the network meeting are requested to send a short e-mail at their earliest convenience to the organizer of the meeting (Karin Everschor-Sitte) or the coordinator of the SPP (Christian Pfleiderer), indicating also whether they intend to present a poster. Further details on thelocation and program will be announced shortly.
Karin Everschor-Sitte (University of Mainz)
Christian Pfleiderer (Technical University of Munich)