SPICE Workshop on Quantum Spinoptics, June 13th - 15th 2023
Patrick Maletinsky
Quantum two-level systems offer attractive opportunities for sensing and imaging – especially at the nanoscale. In the almost twenty years since its inception, this idea [1] has advanced from proof of concept [2] to a mature quantum technology [3], with broad field of applications in physics, materials engineering, life-sciences, and beyond.
In this talk, I will present the founding principles and key engineering challenges in the field [3] and highlight particularly rewarding applications of single quantum sensors. A special focus will lie on new insights these sensors bring to mesoscopic condensed-matter physics. Specifically, I will discuss the use of single-spin quantum sensors to atomically thin “van der Waals” magnets [4,5] – a class of magnetic materials which are host to exotic states of matter, including promising quantum-spin liquid candidates, which could be addressed using single-spin quantum sensors [6].
I will further highlight our recent developments of novel quantum-sensing schemes [7] and platforms [8]. These results will find future applications in quantum sensing under extreme conditions, such as high magnetic fields, or millikelvin temperatures, where exciting further applications wait to be explored.
[2] G. Balasubmaranian et al., Nature 455, 644
[3] P. Appel et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 87, 063703; N. Hedrich et al. Phys. Rev. App., 14, 064007; www.qnami.ch
[4] M. Gibertini et al., Nature Nanotechnology 14, 408
[5] L. Thiel et al., Science 364, 973
[6] S. Chatterchee et al., PRB 99, 104425
[7] B. Bürgler et al., arXiv:2212.07093
[8] Z.-H.Zhang et al., arXiv:2206.13698