Exploring the prospects of altermagnets in thermal transport

Yuriy Mokrousov

As a new class of magnetic materials, altermagnets are being currently considered as a promising platform for realization of various spintronics phenomena. In my talk I will address a question whether thermal effects such as anomalous thermal Hall and Nernst effect in altermagnets acquire twists which stem from the unique
combination of crystal symmetries with spin ordering in these materials. Taking rutheniu dioxide as an example, I will discuss the microscopic origin and nature of electorinic transitions, unique to altermagnetic ordering, which mediate the anomalous Hall and anomalous Nernst effect in this material, making a particular
emphasis on the strong anisotropy of the effects with respect to the Neel vector orientation and the robustness of the Wiedemann-Franz law, which appear to be hallmark features of altermagnetic phase. The importance of altermagnetic electronic transitions ignited by d.c. fiels or laser pulses for other transport phenomena
will be also discussed.
This work has been done in collaboration with Wanxiang Feng, Libor Smejkal, Xiaodong
Zhou, Run-Wu Zhang, Jairo Sinova and Yugui Yao