
On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 11.11.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Old 2degs with new tricks: Antiferromagnetic order and magnetoelectricity of 2D charge carriers

Ulrich Zuelicke, Victoria University of Wellington

In magnetoelectric media, an electric field can induce a magnetization and a magnetic field can induce an electric polarization, while the system remains in thermal equilibrium.  This effect requires that both space-inversion and time-reversal symmetry are broken.  I will present a comprehensive theory for magnetoelectricity in magnetically ordered quasi-2D systems.  Considering ferromagnetic (FM) zincblende and antiferromagnetic (AFM) diamond structures, quantitative expressions for the magnetoelectric responses due to electric and magnetic fields are obtained that reveal explicitly the inherent duality of these responses required by thermodynamics.  The magnitude of magnetoelectric effects in quasi-2D systems is tunable, and typical values are sizable in quasi-2D hole systems where moderate electric fields can induce a magnetic moment of one Bohr magneton per charge carrier.  For the microscopic understanding of magnetoelectric responses in these systems,  AFM order plays a central role.  We define a Néel operator t that describes AFM order, in the same way a magnetization mreflects FM order.  While m is even under space inversion and odd under time reversal, t describes a toroidal moment that is odd under both symmetries. Thus m and t quantify complementary aspects of magnetic order in solids.  In quasi-2D systems, FM order can be attributed to dipolar equilibrium currents that give rise to a magnetization.  In the same way, AFM order arises from quadrupolar currents that generate the toroidal moment.  The electric-field-induced magnetization can then be attributed to the electric manipulation of the quadrupolar currents.  Our theory provides a broad framework for the manipulation of magnetic order by means of external fields.

PDF file of the talk available here


On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 28.10.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Current-induced gap opening in interacting topological insulator surface states

Mark Spencer Rudner, University of Copenhagen

Nonequilibrium many-body systems may host a variety of internal fields, such as dc currents or ac electric fields, which are not allowed in equilibrium. Through electron-electron interactions, such fields may give rise to intriguing feedback effects that lead to novel types of nonlinear transport phenomena and dynamical phase transitions. In this talk I will show how such feedback is manifested in electronic topological edge states. Two-dimensional topological insulators (TIs) host gapless helical edge states that are predicted to support a quantized two-terminal conductance. Quantization is protected by time-reversal symmetry, which forbids elastic backscattering. Paradoxically, the current-carrying state itself breaks the time-reversal symmetry that protects it. As I will discuss, the combination of electron-electron interactions and momentum-dependent spin polarization in helical edge states gives rise to feedback through which an applied current opens a gap in the edge state dispersion, thereby breaking the protection against elastic backscattering. I will discuss transport signatures of this phenomenon and prospects for its realization in recently discovered large bulk band gap TIs, as well as an analogous current-induced gap opening mechanism for the surface states of three-dimensional TIs.

PDF file of the talk available here

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 25.11.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Three-dimensional magnetic systems: the future is bright!

Claire Donnelly, University of Cambridge

Three dimensional magnetic systems promise significant opportunities for applications, for example providing higher density devices and new functionalities associated with complex topology and greater degrees of freedom [1,2]. With recent advances in both characterization and nanofabrication techniques, the experimental investigation of these complex systems is now possible, opening the door to the elucidation of new properties and rich physics.
For the characterization of 3D nanomagnetic systems, we have developed techniques to map both the three-dimensional magnetic structure, and its response to external excitations. In a first demonstration of X-ray magnetic nanotomography [3,4], we determined the complex magnetic structure within the bulk of a μm-sized soft magnetic pillar. The magnetic configuration contained vortices and antivortices, as well as Bloch point singularities [3]. With these new datasets comes a new challenge concerning the identification of such nanoscale topological objects within complex reconstructed magnetic configurations. To address this, we have recently implemented calculations of the magnetic vorticity [5,6], that make possible the location and identification of 3D magnetic solitons, leading to the first observation of nanoscale magnetic vortex rings [6].
In addition to the static magnetic structure, the dynamic response of the 3D magnetic configuration to excitations is key to our understanding of both fundamental physics, and applications. With our recent development of X-ray magnetic laminography [7,8], it is now possible to determine the magnetisation dynamics of a three-dimensional magnetic system [7].
Finally, recent advances in nanofabrication make possible the fabrication of complex 3D magnetic nanostructures [9], leading to the realisation of artificial chiral structures [10] and 3D spintronic devices [11]. These new experimental capabilities for 3D magnetic systems open the door to complex three-dimensional magnetic structures, and their dynamic behaviour.

PDF file of the talk available here

[1] Fernández-Pacheco et al., “Three-dimensional nanomagnetism” Nat. Comm. 8, 15756 (2017)
[2] Donnelly and V. Scagnoli, “Imaging three-dimensional magnetic systems with X-rays” J. Phys. D: Cond. Matt. (2019).
[3] Donnelly et al., “Three-dimensional magnetization structures revealed with X-ray vector nanotomography” Nature 547, 328 (2017).
[4] Donnelly et al., “Tomographic reconstruction of a three-dimensional magnetization vector field” New Journal of Physics 20, 083009 (2018).
[5] Cooper, “Propagating magnetic vortex rings in ferromagnets.” PRL. 82, 1554 (1999).
[6] Donnelly et al., “Experimental observation of vortex rings in a bulk magnet” Nat. Phys. (2020)
[7] Donnelly et al., “Time-resolved imaging of three-dimensional nanoscale magnetization dynamics”, Nature Nanotechnology 15, 356 (2020).
[8] Witte, et al., “From 2D STXM to 3D Imaging: Soft X-ray Laminography of Thin Specimens”, Nano Lett. 20, 1305 (2020).
[9] Skoric et al., “Layer-by-Layer Growth of Complex-Shaped Three-Dimensional Nanostructures with Focused Electron Beams” Nano Lett. 20, 184 (2020).
[10] Sanz-Hernández et al., “Artificial Double-Helix for Geometrical Control of Magnetic Chirality” ACS Nano 14, 8084 (2020).
[11] Meng et al., “Non-planar geometrical effects on the magnetoelectrical signal in a three-dimensional nanomagnetic circuit” In preparation.

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 30.09.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Light wave dynamics driving attosecond coherent spins and topological systems

Markus Münzenberg, Greifswald University

Ultrafast magnetism and THz spintronics allows meanwhile insightful concepts on spin-waves heating and spin-currents on femtosecond timescales. We think of novel applications and new proof of concept studies for ultrafast spintronic devices [1,2,3].

New experimental approaches allows to go even faster. Central is the light wave oscillating at attoseconds that drives the dynamics and spin response depends on the energy transfer from the laser excited electrons to the spins. It seems thus appealing to study ultrafast spin dynamics on these time scales, in order to see if the spin response can be detected coherent to the light waves’s oscillation.

Attosecond lasers are breaking new frontiers. We demonstrate coherent charge transfer, driven by a few cycle laser pulse in a spintronic layered device. This allows to drive coherent attosecond magnetism [4]. Experimental and theoretical sides of the study revealing coherent electron transfer at interfaces, and I will connect this to possible applications of coherent processes and light driven topological dynamics and spintronic devices going into wave-cycle operation.

[1] J. Walowski and M. Münzenberg, Perspective: Ultrafast magnetism and THz spintronics, J. Appl. Phys. 120 140901 (2016)
[2] T. Kampfrath, et al. Terahertz spin current pulses controlled by magnetic heterostructures, Nature Nanotech. 8, 256 (2013)
[3] T. Seifert, et al. Efficient metallic spintronic emitters of ultrabroadband terahertz radiation, Nature Photon. 10, 483–488 (2016)
[4] F. Siegrist et al., Light-wave dynamic control of magnetism, Nature 571 (2019)

PDF file of the talk available here

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 14.10.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Current fluctuations driven by ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic resonance

Arne Brataas, NTNU Trondheim

When spins in magnetic materials precess, they emit currents into the surrounding conductors. We will explain how dynamical magnets also induce current noise. The shot noise characterizes and detects magnetic resonance and new aspects of electron transport in magnetic nanostructures.

We generalize the description of current fluctuations driven by spin dynamics in three ways using scattering theory. First, our approach describes a general junction with any given electron scattering properties. Second, we consider antiferromagnets as well as ferromagnets. Third, we treat multiterminal devices.

We give results for various junctions, such as ballistic and disordered contacts. Finally, we discuss the experimental consequences.

PDF file of the talk available here

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 16.09.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Beyond Heisenberg Solids: From Multi-Spin Interactions to Novel Chiral Particles

Stefan Blügel, FZ Juelich


It became customary to study the stability, lifetime, dynamics, thermodynamics and transport properties of localized nanoscale magnetization particles such as skyrmionics by classical spin-lattice models with pairwise Heisenberg-type exchange interactions. The mapping of fermionic many-body systems onto a classical Heisenberg model is a nontrivial thing and by far not unique. In this presentation I motivate beyond Heisenberg multi-spin interactions [1]. I give examples, where these interactions play a decisive role [2]. I focus on MnGe in the B20- phase, which exhibits a three-dimensional spin-texture. We introduce a novel class of magnetic exchange interactions [3] – the topological-chiral interactions (TCI) rooted in the so- called topological orbital moment, which manifests as a result of finite scalar spin chirality in non-coplanar magnets. The long-wave length limit of the interactions relates to the highly acclaimed Faddeev model demonstrating that the interaction is an origin of 3D magnetization textures all the way down to hopfions.

[1] M. Hoffmann, S. Blügel, PRB 10, 024418 (2019).
[2] A. Krönlein, M. Schmitt, M. Hoffmann, J. Kemmer, N. Seubert, M. Vogt, J. Küspert, M. Böhme, B. Alonazi, J. Kügel, H. A. Albrithen, M. Bode, G. Bihlmayer, and S. Blügel, PRL 120, 207202 (2018).
[3] S. Grytsiuk, J.-P. Hanke, M. Hoffmann, J. Bouaziz, O. Gomonay, G. Bihlmayer, S. Lounis, Y. Mokrousov, S. Blügel, Nat. Commun. 11, 511 (2020).

PDF file of the talk available here

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 23.09.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Spintronics Nanodevice
- How small can we make it and what else can we use it for -

Hideo Ohno, Tohoku University

Development of spintronics nonvolatile nanodevices and their integration with CMOS circuits has resulted in realizing low-energy, yet high performance integrated circuits suitable for a number of applications such as Internet-of-Things (IoT), high-performance computing and artificial intelligence. Magnetic tunnel junction (MTJ), a spintronics device, plays a central role here, which has been shown to scale down to 20 nm with the perpendicular-easy-axis CoFeB-MgO system [1, 2]. I will first discuss the factors that limit the scalability of such MTJs. Then show how one can extend its scalability to the range of 4-8 nm and below [3, 4] by employing a new (and yet not so new) concept. Current-induced switching of magnetization and high thermal stability of these devices are also shown. I will then describe how one can use less stable MTJs for a novel form of computation, probabilistic computing, to address optimization problems. I show that one can formulate integer factorization as an optimization problem in such a way that the most preferred state in terms of energy gives the factorized result [5]. If I have time I will touch upon proof-of-concept spintronics devices for artificial synapse as well as neuron for neuromorphic applications [6, 7].
Work done in collaboration with S. Fukami and the CSIS team. A portion of the work described here is a result of collaboration with A. Z. Pervaiz, K. Y. Camsari, and S. Datta of Purdue University. Supported in part by the ImPACT Program of CSTI, JST-OPERA JPMJOP1611 and Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research (17H06093).

[1] S. Ikeda, et al. Nature Materials, 9, 721 (2010).
[2] H. Sato, et al. IEDM 2013 and Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 062403 (2014).
[3] K. Watanabe, et al. Nature Commun. 9, 663 (2018).
[4] B. Jinnai, et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. (Perspective), 116, 160501 (2020).
[5] W. A. Borders, et al. Nature 573, 390-393 (2019).
[6] W. A. Borders et al. Appl. Phys. Express 10, 013007 (2017).
[7] A. Kurenkov, et al. Advanced Materials 31, 1900636 (2019).

PDF file of the talk available here

On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 02.09.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Spintronic devices for artificial neural networks

Saima Siddiqui, University of Illinois

Spintronics promises intriguing device paradigms where electron spin is used as the information token instead of its charge counterpart. In the future cognitive era, nonvolatile magnetic memories hold the key to solve the bottleneck in the computational performance due to data shuttling between the processing and the memory units. The application of spintronic devices for these purposes requires versatile, scalable device design that is adaptable to emerging material physics. We design, model and experimentally demonstrate spin orbit torque induced magnetic domain wall devices as the building blocks (i.e. linear synaptic weight generator and the nonlinear activation function generator) for in-memory computing, in particular for artificial neural networks. Spin orbit torque driven magnetic tunnel junctions show great promise as energy efficient emerging nonvolatile logic and memory devices. In addition to its energy efficiency, we take advantage of the spin orbit torque induced domain wall motion in magnetic nanowires to demonstrate the linear change in resistance of the synaptic devices. Modifying the spin-orbit torque from a heavy metal or utilizing the size dependent magnetoresistance of tunnel junctions, we also demonstrate a nonlinear activation function for thresholding signals (analog or digitized) between layers for deep learning. A complete neuromorphic hardware accelerator using embedded nonvolatile magnetic domain wall devices can revolutionize computer architectures by embedding memory into logic circuits in a fine grained fashion.

PDF file of the talk available here


On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 09.09.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Long-Range Phonon Spin Transport

Rembert Duine, Utrecht University

One of the goals of spintronics is to achieve dissipationless spin currents. In this talk, I will discuss phonon spin transport in an insulating ferromagnet-nonmagnet-ferromagnet heterostructure. I will discuss how the magnetoelastic interaction between the spins and the phonons leads to nonlocal spin transfer between the magnets. This transfer is mediated by a local phonon spin current and accompanied by a phonon spin accumulation. The spin conductance depends nontrivially on the system size, and decays over millimeter length scales for realistic material parameters, far exceeding the decay lengths of magnonic spin currents.





PDF file of the talk available here


On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars

On-line Seminar: 19.08.2020 - 15:00 (CET)

Antiferromagnetic Insulatronics: Spintronics without magnetic fields

Mathias Kläui, JGU Mainz

While known for a long time, antiferromagnetically ordered systems have previously been considered, as expressed by Louis Néel in his Nobel Prize Lecture, to be “interesting but useless”. However, since antiferromagnets potentially promises faster operation, enhanced stability with respect to interfering magnetic fields and higher integration due to the absence of dipolar coupling, they could potentially become a game changer for new spintronic devices. The zero net moment makes manipulation using conventional magnetic fields challenging. However recently, these materials have received renewed attention due to possible manipulation based on new approaches such as photons [1] or spin-orbit torques [2].

In this talk, we will present an overview of the key features of antiferromagnets to potentially functionalize their unique properties. This includes writing, reading and transporting information using antiferromagnets.

We recently realized switching in the metallic antiferromagnet Mn2Au by intrinsic staggered spin-orbit torques [3,4] and characterize the switching properties by direct imaging. While switching by staggered intrinsic spin-orbit torques in metallic AFMs requires special structural asymmetry, interfacial non-staggered spin-orbit torques can switch multilayers of many insulating AFMs capped with heavy metal layers.

We probe switching and spin transport in selected collinear insulating antiferromagnets, such as NiO [5-7], CoO [8,9] and hematite [10,11]. In NiO and CoO we find that there are multiple switching mechanisms that result in the reorientation of the Néel vector and additionally effects related to electromigration of the heavy metal layer can obscure the magnetic switching [5,7,9]. For the spin transport, spin currents are generated by heating as resulting from the spin Seebeck effect and by spin pumping measurements and we find in vertical transport short (few nm) spin diffusion lengths [6,8].

For hematite, however, we find in a non-local geometry that spin transport of tens of micrometers is possible [10,11]. We detect a first harmonic signal, related to the spin conductance, that exhibits a maximum at the spin-flop reorientation, while the second harmonic signal, related to the Spin Seebeck conductance, is linear in the amplitude of the applied magnetic field [10]. The first signal is dependent on the direction of the Néel vector and the second one depends on the induced magnetic moment due to the field. We identify the domain structure as the limiting factor for the spin transport [11]. We recently also achieved transport in the easy plane phase [12], which allows us to obtain long distance spin transport in hematite even at room temperature [12]. From the power and distance dependence, we unambiguously distinguish long-distance transport based on diffusion [10,11] from predicted spin superfluidity that can potentially be used for logic [13].
A number of excellent reviews are available for further information on recent developments in the field [14].

PDF file of the talk available here


[1] A. Kimel et al., Nature 429, 850 (2004).

[2] J. Zelezny et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 157201 (2014); P. Wadley et al., Science 351, 587 (2016).

[3] S. Bodnar et al., Nature Commun. 9, 348 (2018)

[4] S. Bodnar et al., Phys. Rev. B 99, 140409(R) (2019).

[5] L. Baldrati et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 177201 (2019)

[6] L. Baldrati et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 024422 (2018); L. Baldrati et al. Phys. Rev. B 98, 014409 (2018)

[7] F. Schreiber et al., arxiv:2004.13374 (in press 2020)

[8] J. Cramer et al., Nature Commun. 9, 1089 (2018)

[9] L. Baldrati et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 077201 (2020)

[10] R. Lebrun et al., Nature 561, 222 (2018).

[11] A. Ross et al., Nano Lett. 20, 306 (2020).

[12] R. Lebrun et al., arxiv:2005.14414 (2020).

[13] Y. Tserkovnyak et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 187705 (2017).

[14] Rev. Mod. Phys. 90, 15005 (2018); Nat. Phys. 14, 200-242 (2018); Adv. Mater. 32, 1905603 (2020)