Workshop-School on Quantum Spinoptics
This joint workshop and school aims to bring together students and researchers in the separate fields of solid-state physics and quantum optics, with the goal of fostering an exchange of ideas and knowledge that might spawn a new exciting field of “Quantum Spinoptics.” The common ground for this inter-disciplinary field is the increasingly recognized importance to develop techniques to controllably couple qubits (either atoms or solid-state spins) to interesting quantum “baths” (photons or magnetic materials). Such control is expected to open up diverse scientific and technological opportunities, such as:
- Long-distance coupling and entanglement of qubits through coherent interactions or correlated dissipation
- State protection through correlated dissipation (e.g., subradiance) and associated applications
- Quantum sensing and metrology, and novel probes of condensed matter systems
- Realization of novel classes of out-of-equilibrium dynamics and phases
While these ideas are already starting to be explored separately within solid-state physics and quantum optics, we envision that scientific progress and opportunities will significantly accelerate with the cross-fertilization of ideas. The joint workshop-school format is intended to provide a venue equally devoted to the dissemination of latest research developments, discussion of scientific ideas, and providing a pedagogical background to establish a common “scientific language” for this new field. To that end, the event will feature two extended introductory lectures, featuring scientific and pedagogical leaders within the fields of solid-state physics and quantum optics. We thus especially encourage young scholars to attend and to also contribute in a dedicated poster session.
For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.