Cottrell Scholar Collaborative Bridges to Germany: Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop

Mainz, Germany: May 17th - May 19th 2017

This workshop aims to bring together junior group leaders in chemistry, physics, and astronomy, their academic administration leaders at German Universities, the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative(CSC) and the Fulbright Komission in a unique professional development workshop.

The workshop offers training for junior group leaders in Germany how to best implement evidence-based pedagogies, how to integrate research and teaching, new strategies for communicating science to the public, and to develop skills in time management, leadership, mentoring students, and networking. The workshop also engages the academic administration leaders in Germany in a dialogue how to leverage professional development for the future academic leaders and lifting the impact of the University.

The workshop has the following objectives

  • Apply change theory to promote academic initiatives (New German Tenure-Track Model). We will cover how junior faculty can maximize their chances for promotion by influencing change, and what skills are key for the transition to a tenure-track model
  • Apply communication skills that convince authority figures and rally subordinates: convincing and motivating effectively in an academic environment.
  • Develop skills to optimize student learning: applying evidence-based methods on learning that transcend the classroom and aid research success.
  • Examine the alignment of the Fulbright-RCSA Cottrell-Scholar Initiative with the 1000 New Tenure-Track Professors German Initiative: debunking the myth of the research-and-teaching zero sum game. How the top researchers are usually the best educators and can bring universities to a higher level.

This workshop combines aspects of two established programs offered by the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative:The CSC New Faculty Workshop and the CSC Academic Leadership Training Workshop.


This workshop is sponsored by the Research Corporation for Science Advancement that sponsors the Cottrell Scholar Collaborative, a group of top academics who are renowned for the quality of both their research and their teaching. Since 2016, it has widened its scope to German scholars through partnership with the German-American Fulbright Commission by establishing the Fulbright-Cottrell Award, the first type of junior academic teaching award of its kind in Germany.

Target Group: i) Junior group leaders and habilitated researchers (including junior professors, Junior-dozenten, and Privatdozenten) who are working, or planning to work, at a German university with teaching responsibilities in programs of Chemistry, Physics, or Astronomy. ii) Academic leaders of German Universities.


Olalla Vazquez (Philipps Universität Marburg)
Carla Frohlich (North Carolina State University)
Jairo Sinova (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Invited Speakers

Ralph Bruder (TU Darmstadt)
Andrew Feig (Wayne State University)
Peter Hassenbach (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung)
Rigoberto Hernandez (Johns Hopkins University)
Stefanie Kiefer (VCI)
Mathias Kläui (JGU Mainz)
Stefan Müller-Stach (JGU Mainz)
Tobias Ritter (MPI Mühlheim)
Reiner Rohr (Fulbright)
Silvia Ronco (RCSA)
Alexander Wanner (Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)
Rory Waterman (University of Vermont)