SPICE Workshop on Quantum Matter for Quantum Technologies, May 21st - May 23rd 2024
Prineha Narang
The integration of quantum materials with photonic platforms has seen enormous growth in recent years. Such devices offer enormous potential for developing advanced technologies for sensing and characterization by incorporating quantum and nonlinear effects into the dynamics of photonic modes. Here, we present such an integrated device – a superconducting cross resonator integrated with a quantum material that intrinsically breaks time-reversal symmetry. We show how the electromagnetic properties of the material are encoded in the dynamics of the photonic states and formulate a measuring protocol that can be used to sensitively measure small nonreciprocal responses in the material, e.g., through magnetic or chiral topological order. Our process tomography method utilizes the quantum geometry of photonic wavefunctions, and represents a concrete application of quantum metrology across a broad spectrum of experimental platforms including Fock states in optical cavities, or coherent states in microwave and THz resonators.