SPICE Workshop on Quantum Matter for Quantum Technologies, May 21st - May 23rd 2024
Marta Pita-Vidal
Andreev spin qubits (ASQs) have recently emerged as an alternative qubit platform with realizations in semiconductor-superconductor hybrid nanowire Josephson junctions. In these qubits, the spin degree of freedom is intrinsically coupled to the supercurrent across the junction, which facilitates fast, high-fidelity spin readout and strong spin-spin coupling. In this talk, I will discuss our results on the implementation of an Andreev spin qubit that is stabilized by the charging energy of a gate-defined quantum dot. The qubit state can be directly manipulated via electric dipole spin resonance and its frequency can be tuned with a magnetic field. Additionally, the ASQ can be coherently coupled to a transmon qubit. I will furthermore discuss measurements of strong supercurrent-mediated longitudinal coupling between two distant Andreev spin qubits. The qubit-qubit interaction is both gate- and flux-tunable and it can be switched off on demand using a magnetic flux. Finally, I will discuss the prospect of using Andreev spin qubits as a platform for quantum computing and simulation.