SPICE Workshop on Quantum Matter for Quantum Technologies, May 21st - May 23rd 2024
Anasua Chatterjee
Hole spin qubits in strained planar germanium quantum wells (Ge/SiGe) have emerged as a promising qubit candidate for quantum information processing and simulation. Recently, hard-gapped superconductivity has been engineered for the first time in Ge/SiGe, in a wide range of mesoscopic devices. The demonstration of an isotopically purifiable semiconductor platform that can host clean superconductivity places Ge/SiGe in a uniquely advantageous position, facilitating many opportunities for hybrid superconducting-semiconducting quantum dots, including high fidelity two-qubit gates [7], extended range qubit-qubit coupling without the need for resonators [8], and integration with circuit QED [9]. I will describe our progress toward these goals.