Spin-Mediated Response in Chiral Magnets Near and Beyond the Critical Temperature


Two-dimensional chiral magnets that exhibit a nontrivial magnon band topology have been shown to give rise to Hall-type responses via magnon carriers (e.g. thermal Hall effect, spin Nernst effect.) Recent theoretical studies modeling these spin-mediated responses in chiral magnets have been restricted to the linear spin wave limit – and are therefore only valid at low temperatures – or otherwise neglect to incorporate higher-order spin fluctuations which are crucial in the vicinity of the critical temperature. In this talk, we will describe our approach to model the thermal Hall effect and spin Nernst effect in chiral magnets, particularly near and beyond the critical temperature. We will also show that spin-mediated response bolstered by increasing thermal fluctuations can be particularly robust at high temperatures, a consequence of the notion that the Hall-type responses of spin waves can also be connected to an underlying topology in the real space spin texture. These results provide insight into how thermally-induced fluctuations impact transport in magnetic systems and, more broadly, demonstrate the utility of fluctuations in supporting emergent macroscopic effects.