Orbital ans spin Hall effect in 2D topological materials

Marcio COSTA

In this talk, we are going to discuss the results of the spin and orbital Hall effect in 2D materials. We performed high throughput calculations to compute the spin (SHC) and orbital (OHC) Hall conductivities for hundreds of 2D materials[1]. The calculations were performed using the C2DB materials database [2] following a workflow based on DFT + an effective local Hamiltonian (PAOFLOW Hamiltonians)[3]. Initially, we discuss the OHC plateau in the insulating gap of
2D transition metal dichalcogenides(TMD). These TMDs are identified as higher-order topological insulators (HOTI) by a Z4 topological invariant. Using general symmetry arguments, we
establish a connection between the two phenomena with potential implications for spin-orbitronics[4]. A more general picture is formed using the SHC and OHC results for the C2DB database.

[1] npj Computational Materials 7, 49 (2021).
[2] Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 056601, (2021).
[3] Computational Materials Science 200, 110828 (2021).
[4] arXiv:2205.00997, (2022).