First steps at the institute

Register with the institute

Germans love forms. So the first thing to do when you are new at the institute is to fill in a personal form to register with the institute. Hand it in to Juliane, our group secretary (room 01-323 or 01-325). She will sign it and forward it to the institute administration. Note that without having registered with the institute, you will not get a key.

Once you leave the institute, you have to de-register by filling in another form at the group office.

How to get a key

    1. Fill in a key form (available at the group office), have it signed by Juliane, the group secretary
    2. hand it in at the budget management office (Etatverwaltung), room 01-621. In return for a € 50 deposit, you will receive the budget manager's signature, which entitles you to get the key.
    3. Contact Mr. Gries (room 01-132, mobile phone: 0175-7250983) to arrange for a time for him to hand you the key.

Please make sure you give back your key personally before you leave. Our colleagues from the budget management will not give back the deposit to anybody else unless you provide a formal written authorization.

Note that you are personally liable in case you lose the key.

How to get a university-email account

As a guest at the university, you can get a university email account. To get one, please contact Andreas Nussbaumer:

Staudingerweg 7
room 05-317
phone: +49 (0)6131 39 - 27411

If you have an employment contract, your e-mail account will be created automatically.

How to get a card for the canteen

On the first floor of the canteen (Mensa), there's a little stand where you can buy a card for the canteen. You can also ask one of our student assistants to get one for you for 2,50 €.

Business trips

During your visit here, business trips have to be notified to the university administration regardless if you are employed at JGU or if you work here as a guest scientist. In order to do so, use the travel application form „Dienstreiseantrag.“

Fill in the form and sign it, then hand it in to the group office (room 01-323 or 01-325).

How to get back travel expenses

In order to get reimbursed for your travel expenses, fill in the request form (Antrag auf Reisekostenvergütung). Hand it in to the group secretariat along with all payment documents (receipts, tickets etc.) The financial department only accepts original payment documents, no photocopies. Unfortunately, the forms of the financial department are only available in German. You can get help with filling them in at the group office (room 01-323 or 01-325).