On-line SPICE-SPIN+X Seminars
On-line Seminar: 12.03.2025 - 15:00 CET
Static and Dynamic Properties of Insulating Antiferromagnetic Cr2O3
Jing Shi, University of California
This talk explores two distinct aspects of insulating antiferromagnetic Cr2O3. First, we demonstrate the electrical detection of the Néel vector in single-domain Cr2O3. While previous Hall effect measurements have shown promise, signal cancellation due to multi domains can reduce the signal and therefore limit unambiguous Néel vector determination. By fabricating small Pt detectors, we isolate individual magnetic domains and observe a complete reversal of the anomalous Hall signal upon switching the Néel vector. Second, I will present our study of the spin Seebeck effect in bulk Cr2O3 coupled to a homoepitaxial Cr2O3 film. We observe a significant suppression of bulk magnon transport as the film thickness increases to 9 nm, indicating that point defects within the film impede antiferromagnetic magnon diffusion.
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