23.07.2024 – Spin textures: Magnetism meets Plasmonics

Spin textures: Magnetism meets Plasmonics

Spin textures in solids originate from the complex interaction between electrons and atoms. In particular, the collective behavior of electrons is often key to emergent physical properties. For example, the spins of localized as well as itinerant electrons can interact to realize statically (meta-) stable magnetic spin textures, including spin-spirals, vortices, skyrmions, multi-q structures, i.e., magnetic arrangements characterized by multiple wave vectors in their magnetic order parameter.
Alternatively, electrons can be excited collectively by electromagnetic waves such that the electrons oscillate to realize plasmons. Being highly endowed with tunability, the field of plasmonics, has rapidly emulated several interesting spin structures.
In both fields, skyrmions and topological excitations play a crucial role spurred by the idea of robust states of matter for applications including storage and information technology. While there are a lot of similarities between magnetic and electromagnetic spin textures there are also key differences in their physics. For example, each field has its individual challenges to realize tailored spin textures: While a limitation in magnetism is that certain competing interactions are required to realize spin structures, in plasmonics certain field components are prohibited hindering the formation of arbitrary spin structures. External stimuli are interesting for both research fields to manipulate the unique magnetic and electronic properties of the excitations.
This workshop aims to bring together experts from both magnetism and plasmonics to foster the discovery of new spin textures.

For videos of the talks and further information, pleaseĀ visit the workshop home page.

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