16.07.2024 – Young Research Leaders Group Workshop: Correlation and Topology in magnetic materials

Young Research Leaders Group Workshop: Correlation and Topology in magnetic materials

The mathematical concept of “topology”, developed in the past century, has become the real game changer in condensed matter physics. The particular coupling of the electronic wavefunctions with the spin configuration define the material topology, from which unique electronic properties arise. Skyrmions, anomalous spin Hall effect or topological superconductivity are some examples of the fascinating phenomena and applications that this new concept enables.
Besides the potential technological transfer, topology also paves the way for quantum states, a phenomenal playground for investigating fundamental interactions of correlated electrons under topological protection. On top of these correlated materials, topological superconductivity, essential to the realization of quantum computing, is one of the most “hot research lines”, expected to generate the biggest revolution in the field.
By gathering young researchers from both topology and correlation topics, we aim to get a broad perspective of one of the hottest topics in condensed matter physics. The workshop will count on researchers from both experimental and theoretical fields, aiming to promote collaborations across different perspectives.

For videos of the talks and further information, please visit the workshop home page.

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