Magnon transport in 2D (anti-)ferromagnets

Bart van Wees

In recent years it was demonstrated that magnons can be efficient transporters of spins, making new devices and functionalities possible with (insulating) magnonic systems. I will give an introduction into magnon spin transport in ferro/ferri/and anti-ferrro magnetic systems. I will discuss how charge current information can be transformed into (electronic) spin information by the spin Hall effect, which can then generate a magnon spin current in the ferrimagnetic insulators yttrium iron garnet (YIG) [1]. Magnon spins can then be detected via the inverse spin Hall effect, and converted back into a charge signal. These experiments have led to a better understanding of electrically and  thermally induced magnon currents (spin Seebeck effect) and emphasize the role of the nonequilibrium magnon chemical potential as the driving force for magnon currents [2] Based on these concepts a magnon transistor geometry was fabricated in which the magnon density was controlled by a magnon injecting gate electrode [3]. It was also shown that magnons in antiferromagnets can effectively transport spins, and experiments demonstrated this in multilayer 2D Van der Waals antiferromagnets[4]  I will discuss our recent results on magnon spin caloritronics, including magnon spin Seebeck effect and anomalous Nernst effects, in CrBr3 based ferromagnetic van der Waals systems.

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