Quantum Phase Transition and Ising Superconductivity in transition metal dichalcogenides

Jianting Ye

Many recent discoveries on novel electronic states were made on 2D materials. Especially, by making artificial bilayer systems, new electronic states such as superconductivity and ferromagnetism have been reported. This talk will discuss quantum phase transitions and Ising superconductivity induced in 2D transition metal dichalcogenides. Using ionic gating, quantum phases such as superconductivity can be induced by field-effect on many 2D materials. In transition metal dichalcogenides, Ising-like paring states can form at K and K’ point of the hexagonal Brillouin zone. Also, we will discuss how to couple two Ising superconducting states through Josephson coupling by inducing superconductivity symmetrically in a suspended bilayer. This method can access electronic states with broken local inversion symmetry while maintaining the global inversion symmetry [3]. Controlling the Josephson coupling and spin-orbit coupling is an essential step for realizing many exotic electronics states predicted for the coupled bilayer superconducting system with strong spin-orbit interactions.

[1] Lu, J. M. Zheliuk O, et al., Science 350 1353 (2015).
[2] Lu, J. M. Zheliuk O, et al., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 3551 (2018).
[3] Zheliuk O, Lu, J. M., et al., Nature Nanotechnology 14 1123 (2019).