Topology and spin transport of magnons

Bo Li

In the progress of spintronics, magnon, the spin wave quanta, undertakes an important role due to its nature of low dissipative angular momentum carrier. The magnon band structure in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic insulating systems can host nontrivial topology, which draws fundamental interest and provides superiority to the transport property therein. In this talk, I will
discuss the magnon band topology and magnon mediated spin generation and transportation in insulating magnetic systems. First, I will review some topological system of magnons, such as magnon Chern insulator, magnon Weyl semimetal, and concentrate on a 3D topological insulator model where a surface Dirac cone exists due to lattice chiral symmetry [1]. Second, I will discuss spin Nernst effect and temperature gradient induced spin accumulation in noncollinear antiferromagnetic insulators [2,3]. A linear response theory of thermal driving force will be discussed and specific examples of kagome and pyrochlore antiferromagnet will be given. Finally, I will talk about the spin Nernst effect in ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic skyrmions, where magnon Landau levels and some relevant interesting results will be presented.

[1] B. Li and A. A. Kovalev, Phys. Rev. B 97, 174413 (2018).
[2] B. Li, S. Sandhoefner, and A. A. Kovalev, Phys. Rev. Research 2,
013079 (2020).
[3] B. Li, A. Mook, A. Raeliarijaona, and A. A. Kovalev, Phys. Rev. B
101, 024427 (2020).