Proximity induced spin-orbit coupling and magnetism in graphene

Alexey Kaverzin

With a reference to our experimental observations I will discuss how proximity effects modify the spin transport phenomena in graphene when it is placed in the vicinity of other layered materials. For example, the combination of graphene and TMDs results in the presence of large spin-orbit interaction imprinted from TMD into graphene with the emergence of spin manipulation mechanisms including conversion between spin and charge currents. I will highlight our recent results obtained on a van der Waals heterostructure of graphene and anti-ferromagnetic material CrSBr. The presence of CrSBr introduces a large exchange interaction in graphene such that its conductivity becomes spin polarised with the polarisation of approximately 14%. This implies that spin current is generated in graphene on CrSBr with efficiency close to that of the conventional ferromagnetic materials. Overall, we experimentally demonstrate the functionality of various building blocks that can be used for assembly of spin-based devices made out of layered materials only.