Hardware requirements for useful superconducting quantum computers

SPICE Workshop on Quantum Matter for Quantum Technologies, May 21st - May 23rd 2024

Manuel Pino

Current quantum computer hardware may not be adequate to obtain advantages over their classical counterparts. We present work aimed to reduce those limitations in Adiabatic Quantum Computers designed with superconducting circuits. Specifically, we focus on solving limitations imposed by non-optimal qubit couplings. We first review how to construct strong anharmonic qubits, for which the Josephson junction is the crucial ingredient. Secondly, we present our work to design qubit couplings that lead to complex enough two-qubit dynamics (ultrastrongly coupled and non-stoquastic Hamiltonians)[1,2]. We will finally comment on the connectivity topologies of quantum devices that produce difficult-to-solve classical problems [3].

[1] M Hita-Pérez, G Jaumà, M Pino, JJ García-Ripoll Applied Physics Letters 119 (2021)
[2] M Hita-Pérez, G Jaumà, M Pino, JJ García-Ripoll, Physical Review Applied (2022)
[3] G Jaumà, M Pino, JJ García-Ripoll arXiv:2307.13065 (2023)