03.08.2015 – Young Research Leaders Group Workshop


Since August 3rd, the SPICE Workshop for young research leaders from various fields within condensed matter physics has been taking place. Last Sunday, the elite of the next generation from diverse Institutes around the globe met in Kloster Johannesburg for a new kind of workshop. It is the first international and interdisciplinary conference exclusively highlighting young research leaders and their research. The workshop format includes detailed introductory talks followed by more technical presentations as well as group interaction. As it was particularly important to the organisers to provide enough time for the participants to fruitfully interact, the second week of the meeting is completely dedicated to studying and learning from each other in groups. This format combined with the unique venue of Kloster Johannisburg provides an ideal platform for young researchers to share their knowledge and ideas across disciplines, start new and increasing collaborations, and define the questions and topics of tomorrow. The participants are researchers, who are still at early stages of their careers but already have highly regarded research profiles.

The main theme of this first workshop is to explore frontiers with strongly correlated and topological mesoscopic systems. The specific topics include:

  • nonlinear, helical, spiral Luttinger liquids and quantum Hall edge states;
  • uperconductor/topological insulator (or quantumHall) nanostructures
  • many-body localization
  • 2D physics at oxide interfaces
  • 3D quantum materials: Dirac, Weyl , Kondo, 3He, Spin liquids, etc

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